Active Users:1103 Time:11/03/2025 07:26:47 PM
It's been a fricking year already? Rebekah Send a noteboard - 17/12/2012 11:19:02 PM
I refuse to accept that.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
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It's that time of year again! Miss Universe and the National Costume Show - 17/12/2012 05:59:13 PM 553 Views
Wait, what did your PM do? *NM* - 17/12/2012 06:32:00 PM 145 Views
I told you what. - 17/12/2012 07:08:59 PM 423 Views
Sounds magnificently funny. - 17/12/2012 07:17:09 PM 377 Views
I'm not sure exactly how traditional that Canadian costume is. - 17/12/2012 06:47:18 PM 351 Views
You have to say, it's an interesting statement. - 17/12/2012 07:14:45 PM 301 Views
Miss Mexico, let me hide in the Aztec Tomb for a moment... - 17/12/2012 08:36:11 PM 353 Views
It's been a fricking year already? - 17/12/2012 11:19:02 PM 333 Views
I thought China's was lovely. - 17/12/2012 11:29:50 PM 327 Views
China was indeed lovely. - 18/12/2012 07:10:13 PM 332 Views
Re: China was indeed lovely. - 19/12/2012 12:06:07 AM 339 Views

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