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Re: Introvert / Extravert Nate Send a noteboard - 29/10/2012 03:24:49 PM
It has taken me my entire life to realize what a difference it makes whether you're an extravert or an introvert. I'm an extravert myself and I've fallen into the same trap as most other extraverts: trying to help introverts feel comfortable to go out in public themselves. Hoo boy, big mistake. It only makes them miserable.

I met several (extreme) introverts in my life and they all (quite recently) taught me that they really don't feel the need to be where and how I am. They like making contact, but not with "people", rather with "a person". Slow, deliberate. I recognize your "...I don't make friends or fall in love easily, and when I do I do so very deeply." in this.

That's good that you've made the effort to become aware of the difference! There are some extroverts who seem to think that the only thing an introvert needs is a few good pushes to break them out of their shell, as though an introvert is only an extrovert who hasn't realized it yet. As you've learned, that's not quite the case. :D

You're very right about the person vs people aspect. I feel tired and drained in many group situations, unless I already know and like everyone in the group quite well. If I don't, I clam up and become exhausted and unhappy. I much, much prefer to deal with people on a one-on-one basis. That goes for everything from meeting a potential romantic interest to holding a conversation to teaching. I'm great at one-on-one teaching, it's the group stuff where I burn out and fail. One of the things I loved most about my last relationship was that she too was an introvert and preferred to do things together just with me, and not in groups or social situations.

That said, I still think it's a good thing to approach introverts and make connections with them. Like any other person, they need and appreciate social interaction, as I sense from you, Nate. Just in a different way. Don't you use this site (and maybe others) to get that connection? Hopefully you'll make new friends at a certain point in time. Moving to a new city is tough (I'm not really looking forward to my move next December for 100%), but moving as a man who has difficulty making contact seems to be worse to me.

Many of the best friends I have are people I found through the original wotmania. It's true that introverts appreciate social interaction, but typically in smaller doses and almost definitely not in a group dynamic.

Thanks for your reply!
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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What is/are the biggest issue(s) you've had to work out in your personal life so far? - 28/10/2012 07:41:08 PM 838 Views
Whether to register to vote as a Democrat or Republican! - 29/10/2012 04:31:00 AM 469 Views
Well, let's see. - 29/10/2012 06:02:00 AM 552 Views
Introvert / Extravert - 29/10/2012 09:37:04 AM 440 Views
Re: Introvert / Extravert - 29/10/2012 03:24:49 PM 427 Views
Wow, Nate, if eating what you like were something that needed to be earned, then you earned it. - 29/10/2012 01:39:06 PM 468 Views
Thanks. - 29/10/2012 03:30:33 PM 445 Views
She may be in for a bit of a rude awakening... - 29/10/2012 05:35:33 PM 606 Views
Perhaps. - 29/10/2012 06:38:18 PM 463 Views
Was that a metaphor? - 29/10/2012 06:07:47 PM 440 Views
Re: Was that a metaphor? - 29/10/2012 06:34:27 PM 522 Views
Wow I don't know what to say about that - 29/10/2012 07:35:54 PM 546 Views
Re: Wow I don't know what to say about that - 29/10/2012 07:43:57 PM 573 Views
there are two things - 29/10/2012 04:13:50 PM 501 Views
I can't say anything about the second - 01/11/2012 03:58:41 PM 477 Views
A few things. But I'm not sure I've ever worked anything out - 29/10/2012 04:50:05 PM 496 Views
My biggest issue? - 30/10/2012 05:20:32 PM 466 Views
Re: My biggest issue? - 30/10/2012 10:13:15 PM 555 Views
I've been trying to think of one. - 01/11/2012 03:51:13 PM 423 Views

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