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Or have the benefits of the golden parachutes Larry Send a noteboard - 23/10/2012 05:32:04 AM
To give credit where credit is due, Romney took a small step towards honesty in this debate, whereas Obama repeated the worst of his factchecked inaccuracies.

I don't think his honesty is going to earn him any points, though.

I was just bemused by the rhetoric on both sides. It was quite dull compared to the last one.
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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Between the ships, horses, bayonets, and lines about loving teachers... - 23/10/2012 04:44:32 AM 1019 Views
He loves teachers, but only so long as we are seen and not heard. - 23/10/2012 05:07:15 AM 476 Views
Or have the benefits of the golden parachutes - 23/10/2012 05:32:04 AM 490 Views
Which might those be? - 23/10/2012 07:25:24 AM 474 Views
Also "heaven and earth" and bankrupt Detroit. - 23/10/2012 12:23:21 PM 464 Views
Both those charges are fact checked and verified. - 23/10/2012 03:05:01 PM 479 Views
The instapolls declared Obama victor in #1 too, Romney won this one - 23/10/2012 06:00:26 AM 620 Views
*blinks* - 23/10/2012 06:08:00 AM 525 Views
Which instapoll said Obama won the first debate? - 23/10/2012 06:18:45 AM 409 Views
My favorite gaffe of the night: - 23/10/2012 06:07:19 AM 491 Views
It was a poorly worded statement, the "sea" being referred to is the Med, but essentially correct. - 23/10/2012 07:16:37 PM 485 Views
What is this, the 19th century? Why is the Med so important? - 23/10/2012 10:20:11 PM 496 Views
They want holidays in the sun, too - 24/10/2012 05:32:44 AM 440 Views
Commercial, Iran doesn't have a navy worth mentioning. - 24/10/2012 03:41:46 PM 480 Views
Okay, commercial, that narrows it down. How, exactly? - 24/10/2012 06:02:01 PM 459 Views
Right family (Hussein of Jordan), wrong generation by a few hundered years. - 25/10/2012 06:16:51 PM 484 Views
Hm. Curious who you mean, then. - 25/10/2012 11:52:06 PM 485 Views
You are too hung up on a "port" - 26/10/2012 03:13:59 PM 404 Views
That's what Romney and you said, isn't it? Access to the Mediterranean. - 26/10/2012 11:30:55 PM 584 Views
Re: That's what Romney and you said, isn't it? Access to the Mediterranean. - 29/10/2012 02:23:33 PM 499 Views
Well, you get points for stubbornness, that's for sure. - 29/10/2012 03:26:50 PM 805 Views
and one he seems to keep making - how many times do you give someone the benefit of the doubt? - 23/10/2012 11:46:55 PM 537 Views
it is simply a standard descriptive line. - 24/10/2012 03:54:49 PM 501 Views
What is? - 25/10/2012 11:15:28 AM 409 Views
that was my favorite as well. *NM* - 23/10/2012 08:10:36 PM 197 Views
These debates need a stat boy, PTI style. - 23/10/2012 06:43:02 AM 471 Views
I favor tasering them - 23/10/2012 06:46:43 AM 436 Views
Few people use zingers to decide who they will vote for - 26/10/2012 06:11:50 PM 425 Views

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