Active Users:417 Time:29/09/2024 01:32:13 AM
yeah, pretty much moondog Send a noteboard - 12/10/2012 06:20:01 PM
it's four years later, obama has an actual record to run on now. romney has a record to run on as well, but had done his absolute best to distance himself from it until the first debate happened. even in 2008, obama didn't say much during the primary that he had to run away from during the election. of course, mccain was one of the weakest candidates in recent history, even weaker than kerry in 2004 if that's even possible.

look, it's one thing to pander to your base during the primary but yet another to say one thing to the base and the completely opposite position to the general election. he's pro-life and wants to overturn roe v. wade during the primary but if he's elected he will not introduce any legislation to limit abortion. he does not want to talk about his health plan in MA during the primary but now it's a great idea as long as it's a state's rights issue. except he thought it would make a great template for a federal health plan when he liked it but now he doesn't like it anymore but yet it's still a good idea. too many contradictions in too short a time.
"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
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mitt romney debates himself - 10/10/2012 09:11:37 PM 595 Views
One for you! - 11/10/2012 01:59:50 PM 592 Views
One joke uses a man's words against himself, while the other does not. Not much of a rejoinder. - 11/10/2012 03:25:52 PM 373 Views
or Obama debating Biden - 11/10/2012 05:32:41 PM 387 Views
if it wouldn't take much effort, then get on it - 11/10/2012 06:29:26 PM 450 Views
so what Obama said to get elected the first time is old news and we should just ignore it? - 12/10/2012 06:07:34 PM 387 Views
yeah, pretty much - 12/10/2012 06:20:01 PM 439 Views
Long time no see, where've you been? - 11/10/2012 10:57:21 PM 492 Views
I'm just curious... - 11/10/2012 11:16:19 PM 557 Views
Did you miss the whole thread about "if you think that so easy, have at it"? - 12/10/2012 02:49:52 PM 431 Views
I was asking a serious question. - 12/10/2012 05:38:41 PM 401 Views
no it is simply stating the obvious even if some have trouble seeing it - 12/10/2012 06:11:29 PM 379 Views

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