Active Users:445 Time:29/09/2024 01:23:54 AM
i personally think obama has been pretty consistent with exception of gay marriage moondog Send a noteboard - 12/10/2012 05:58:31 PM
I wasn't trying to imply that I could easily do it. I really want to know how a liberal sees this. Is Obama honest? Does he ever say the politically expedient thing only to later say a politically expedient thing that contradicts it? Does he ever say one thing and do another?

he campaigned in 2008 as not necessarily being against gay marriage, but not exactly for it either. when it became obvious that he could not ignore the issue anymore he decided to "come out" in favor of it. on pretty much every other issue i've heard from obama, he has generally kept to his position.

one big point i like to make about how obama has kept his positions consistent is how he said in 2007 that the US has the right to send a strike force of some kind into pakistan whether they want us to or not if it meant taking out an al-qaeda target. this was pretty much exactly how the raid to kill osama bin laden went down, so i give obama full credit for sticking to that particular campaign promise.
"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
2007 article
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mitt romney debates himself - 10/10/2012 09:11:37 PM 595 Views
One for you! - 11/10/2012 01:59:50 PM 592 Views
One joke uses a man's words against himself, while the other does not. Not much of a rejoinder. - 11/10/2012 03:25:52 PM 373 Views
or Obama debating Biden - 11/10/2012 05:32:41 PM 387 Views
if it wouldn't take much effort, then get on it - 11/10/2012 06:29:26 PM 450 Views
so what Obama said to get elected the first time is old news and we should just ignore it? - 12/10/2012 06:07:34 PM 387 Views
yeah, pretty much - 12/10/2012 06:20:01 PM 438 Views
Long time no see, where've you been? - 11/10/2012 10:57:21 PM 492 Views
I'm just curious... - 11/10/2012 11:16:19 PM 557 Views
Did you miss the whole thread about "if you think that so easy, have at it"? - 12/10/2012 02:49:52 PM 430 Views
I was asking a serious question. - 12/10/2012 05:38:41 PM 401 Views
i personally think obama has been pretty consistent with exception of gay marriage - 12/10/2012 05:58:31 PM 581 Views
no it is simply stating the obvious even if some have trouble seeing it - 12/10/2012 06:11:29 PM 378 Views

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