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We need a safety net Roland00 Send a noteboard - 18/09/2012 05:08:43 PM
Yes, there are lazy people, too. But to simply assume that anyone can get any job and fulfill any dream they want just with hard work and attitude and that the government should never help those less fortunate (with health care, food, housing, etc.) is so inhuman I could retch. The The Republicans with their "survival of the fittest and richest" attitude make me sick.

If it wasn't due to the safety net George Romney would not lived the life he lived, because for several years as a child him and his parents were on federal assistance. The reason was George Romney parents lived in a Mormon colony in Mexico, they then later fleed Mexico due to the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920 drastically increased violence near the colony and it was no longer safe for George's Family, because of this they came to the US with very little for they were economic refuges.

Same thing for Barrack Obama, his mother was on food stamps for a couple years and it was due to federal assistance that Obama and his family got by.

Without that safety net do you think Obama would have gained enough knowledge to graduate from Harvard and Columbia. Do you think without a safety net that George Romney would have gained enough knowledge to become a CEO of an major industrial company (George Romney had some college but never graduated).
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So I guess I'm part of the "47%"? - 18/09/2012 04:40:11 AM 881 Views
Lots of lazy people out there - everyone should work, whether or not it is the..... - 18/09/2012 04:55:29 AM 442 Views
Oh, I love to work when it's available... - 18/09/2012 05:01:21 AM 420 Views
You can't find work as a teacher? *NM* - 18/09/2012 05:07:04 AM 213 Views
I have history, government, ESL, and English certs - 18/09/2012 05:17:25 AM 366 Views
you're a teacher?? FREELOADER!!! - 18/09/2012 03:12:38 PM 369 Views
Unemployment is either the fault of people too lazy to work, or Obamas fault. - 18/09/2012 05:28:26 AM 383 Views
That's... actually a cogent point. *NM* - 18/09/2012 09:11:07 AM 185 Views
Happy to oblige. - 18/09/2012 09:28:48 AM 394 Views
Re: Happy to oblige. - 18/09/2012 03:08:09 PM 346 Views
You would be surprised how well that does NOT work. - 18/09/2012 03:13:23 PM 373 Views
Well, that's not exactly the point, and I think you know it. - 18/09/2012 05:24:48 PM 376 Views
In terms of employment, it really is, inescapably. - 18/09/2012 09:48:28 PM 490 Views
Nope. - 18/09/2012 10:29:50 PM 367 Views
That's not really the point though, is it? - 18/09/2012 09:41:52 AM 395 Views
Re: That's not really the point though, is it? - 18/09/2012 12:58:32 PM 385 Views
That makes sense. - 18/09/2012 01:12:03 PM 376 Views
You never did answer my questions in the previous thread - 18/09/2012 04:57:20 PM 374 Views
Just from my point of view.... - 18/09/2012 05:05:45 PM 337 Views
You are only saying that because he is not latino! - 18/09/2012 05:20:14 AM 479 Views
Pues... - 18/09/2012 05:25:24 AM 528 Views
You mean he really IS latino! Ohnoes, Obama is DOOOOMED! - 18/09/2012 05:40:21 AM 454 Views
God, how I despise this attitude of his - 18/09/2012 09:42:34 AM 432 Views
We need a safety net - 18/09/2012 05:08:43 PM 368 Views
You are forgetting that Obama only graduated due to the evils of Affirmative Action - 18/09/2012 05:16:24 PM 411 Views
Lets say I accept that premise of admittance was caused by Affirmative Action - 18/09/2012 05:33:13 PM 363 Views
Just to answer your questions.... - 18/09/2012 05:54:33 PM 391 Views
Harvard Law Review - 18/09/2012 06:53:47 PM 363 Views
Ok.... - 18/09/2012 09:49:15 PM 355 Views
Occam's razor? - 18/09/2012 10:23:42 PM 397 Views
What I'm saying... - 18/09/2012 11:12:34 PM 385 Views
I should note my comment was joking *NM* - 18/09/2012 10:40:42 PM 204 Views
And we are going to see plenty more of it, it seems - 18/09/2012 08:57:45 PM 512 Views
WE ARE THE 47 PERCENT! - 18/09/2012 03:07:09 PM 379 Views
I am the 85% - 19/09/2012 10:57:23 PM 452 Views

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