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Only by comparison to the rest of Bushs presidency. Joel Send a noteboard - 29/08/2012 09:53:20 AM
How many people really cared if Bush made an ass of himself and bombed a country or two? The Iraq invasion was mismanaged and ended up costing more American lives than it would have if properly run, and that is obviously bad, but the rest of Bush's gaffes were inconsequential to the lives of everyday Americans.

It was better in 2004, but no picnic, and Dems gearing up for the election in '03 planned to run against Bushs till-then awful economic record of disasters like:

The dotcom bubble bursting,

Enron, Worldcom and the Wall Street accounting firms that knowingly hid their fraud and, of course,

The stock crash after a federal government that knew Al Qaeda agents were in the US, learning to fly jets and targeting the WTC (again) could not connect the LINE, much less dots. Inconsequential to the lives of Americans? Really?

All the economic disasters so horrible they had to be blamed on Clinton even after Bush had been in office three years. It got better BY COMPARISON in 2004 and took the issue away from Kerry, only to completely collapse shortly afterward (though that obviously did not influence the '04 campaign.)

By that standard, Obama should be re-elected on similar improvement. The Dow is about double what it was the day he was inaugurated; you should be dancing in the streets, because I recall no president who witnessed similar gains in four years, especially during a decade long double-dip recession. The second half of that dip hit about a month before the election, so unemployment hit 10% before Obama had been in office a year; it is down 2% since. If small but real improvement on enduring recession justifies re-election, well, four more years.

Nah, this is just another filthy rich MA waffle against a charismatic but incompetent/uncommitted incumbent. If Bushs economic accomplishments to this point were even marginally greater than Obamas (doubtful,) that must be offset by killing bin Laden and getting out of Iraq. A month ago I could not see any real difference between Obama, Romney OR Bush, but after a week or two of Republicans demanding SS and Medicares abolition to give Romney a tax cut, a constitutional abortion ban with no exceptions, suddenly Dems are noticeable distinct from Republicans again.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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I encourage anyone planning on voting in the US elections this November to watch both conventions. - 27/08/2012 11:38:31 PM 900 Views
Re: I encourage anyone planning on voting in the US elections this November to watch no conventions. - 27/08/2012 11:43:07 PM 689 Views
You're not properly using a "Re:" tag if you are changing the subject line. *NM* - 28/08/2012 12:42:13 AM 232 Views
It is convenient though, and concise. - 28/08/2012 02:10:52 AM 628 Views
I had to do it to fit the 100 character limit *NM* - 28/08/2012 03:58:32 AM 296 Views
Unless you're Roh. *NM* - 28/08/2012 09:56:01 PM 277 Views
God already decided the GOP convention should be cut short. No arguing with deities. *NM* - 28/08/2012 12:03:30 AM 333 Views
Would you still say that if Obama were struck by lightning? *NM* - 28/08/2012 12:42:40 AM 214 Views
Assuming he survived, I'd probably make the same joke, yes. - 28/08/2012 01:28:44 AM 495 Views
No, no, they "prayed away the spray." - 28/08/2012 02:09:02 AM 500 Views
I sometimes watch bits and pieces - 28/08/2012 01:03:04 AM 539 Views
Ive decided to vote for Satan. - 28/08/2012 02:42:09 AM 545 Views
Glad to see you joining the Republican fold! *NM* - 28/08/2012 01:23:55 PM 247 Views
Cheney isn't running this year *NM* - 29/08/2012 06:40:44 AM 297 Views
*NM* - 30/08/2012 09:48:47 PM 281 Views
Well, yeah; most of us are, but which one...? - 29/08/2012 11:24:09 PM 520 Views
What else do we need to know? Obama was a disaster for 4 years, everything got worse..... - 28/08/2012 04:57:21 AM 517 Views
You are right. The Green Party is clearly the sensible choice. *NM* - 28/08/2012 08:10:26 PM 285 Views
Who??? *NM* - 29/08/2012 05:02:27 AM 301 Views
I may have been joking when I said that. *NM* - 29/08/2012 10:47:27 AM 329 Views
*NM* - 30/08/2012 05:43:10 AM 302 Views
The incumbent administration being deemed a 4-year disaster didn't help Kerry defeat Bush. *NM* - 28/08/2012 09:28:03 PM 301 Views
But that was all in foreign policy. The economy was doing pretty well back then. - 29/08/2012 02:04:13 AM 554 Views
+1 - the ecomony in 2004 was kicking butt and lead to GWB's reelection, *NM* - 29/08/2012 05:05:12 AM 298 Views
Only by comparison to the rest of Bushs presidency. - 29/08/2012 09:53:20 AM 586 Views
You're actually blaming Bush for 9/11 now? - 30/08/2012 04:22:05 AM 496 Views
It is the Richard Clarke criticism. - 30/08/2012 01:08:39 PM 566 Views
He also blames Bush for a Clinton dot-com bubble bursting. - 30/08/2012 09:04:38 PM 462 Views
Question: - 30/08/2012 11:04:35 PM 626 Views
I think you're trying to get me to vote "neither." - 28/08/2012 03:08:07 PM 573 Views
"None of the Above!" ~ Monty Brewster *NM* - 28/08/2012 09:28:33 PM 289 Views
Ideally, I'm trying to just get as many people as possible to not vote Obama. - 29/08/2012 02:04:57 AM 425 Views
Conventions won't do that. - 29/08/2012 07:56:22 PM 474 Views
See, you're not taking it far enough. - 03/09/2012 04:03:40 AM 536 Views
I am confused about so many things concerning this election. - 03/09/2012 03:53:35 AM 492 Views

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