Yeah, I guess the ayatollahs weren't really that proud of it... I wonder what Ahmadinejad, who despite his reputation seems to be on the (relatively) more liberal side in his clash with the ayatollahs, has to say about this.
Good question, the impression I have of him is that he isn't more liberal enough to be against something like this.. but then even if he was, I would imagine he would probably hide it to avoid rocking the boat.
I don't know, I found it reassuring in a way that the TV channel would have made a program like that... although I could be misunderstanding their stance on Israel that prompted this show, I guess. That the reactions they got were so predominantly hostile, well, can't say that surprises me.
I saw their thinking behind the show differently - that they were expecting a reaction, if not as violent as happened, and that the public would enjoy it. In effect, they were working on the basis that no normal Egyptian would want anything to do with Israel.
Robert Graves "There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either."
Henning Mankell "We must defend the open society, because if we start locking our doors, if we let fear decide, the person who committed the act of terror will win"
Robert Graves "There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either."
Henning Mankell "We must defend the open society, because if we start locking our doors, if we let fear decide, the person who committed the act of terror will win"
Of women in Iranian universities and interesting Egyptian TV show concepts
23/08/2012 10:44:54 PM
I do wonder if he hates Israel that much or just realised it will be the end of his career. *NM*
24/08/2012 02:40:47 PM