I shaved off the face part of the beard before taking that photo.
Stephen Send a noteboard - 15/08/2012 12:34:38 PM
Going through the process of shaving off my beard earlier today, I decided to take pictures to document the process. I have since been told that I look Amish in this picture of the mid-point of the process.
Not sure if that'd be something to be proud of, though
I took roughly half an hour to get to that state and another half an hour to shave off the rest of the beard.
"I mean, if everyone had a soul, there would be no contrast by which we could appreciate it. For giving us this perspective, we thank you." - Nate
Apparently I look Amish
15/08/2012 12:44:38 AM
You have (had?) a fine neckbeard
15/08/2012 07:30:19 AM
I shaved off the face part of the beard before taking that photo.
15/08/2012 12:34:38 PM