Active Users:596 Time:19/12/2024 05:49:35 PM
Welcome back, and thanks for putting many minds at ease. Joel Send a noteboard - 07/08/2012 04:55:28 PM
Hey all,

I hope to once again be a part of a group of folks I once felt to be like family.

A bit of an update on me:

1. I am now married and happier than I thought possible.
2. I had a major battle with depression, diabetes, heart trouble and bleeding ulcers.....this wound up with me having to go on disability.
3. I spend my daytime hours taking care of my elderly invalid father.

So....what have I missed and who is here that remembers me? :)

You should probably drop Amy a line if you have not yet; I recall (mainly because of anxiously watching the replies) her asking a few times if anyone had heard from you. You have my deepest sympathies for your health issues, which I hope and pray are significantly improved, and enthusiastic congratulation on your marriage and happiness.

If you are on FB, Amanda (AKA Bellaonyx/MrsThomasGaidin) created a wotmaniac group a few months ago that you may want to join (and I would not mind a friendship request either. ;)) I am not sure how much you have missed here in terms of community activity though; it is far lower on RAFO than it was even in the last couple years of wotmania. I would like to believe we sacrificed quantity for quality, but have difficulty doing so. There have, however, been several wotmaniac marriages (in fact, going back to your departure from the old site, my own is included) and births, but that news is best left to those to whom it belongs.

Anyway, and once again, welcome back; sorry about the trials that kept you away, but I am grateful that it sounds like things are much better now, as well as to hear from you once again. :) *hugs muchly*
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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I'm not dead .... I just lost me for a bit. Any of Y'all remember me? - 31/07/2012 05:15:04 PM 1433 Views
Welcome back B - 31/07/2012 05:16:26 PM 900 Views
Thanks. Your "name" does bring back good memories. *NM* - 31/07/2012 05:17:35 PM 526 Views
Buck Fama? - 31/07/2012 05:38:09 PM 914 Views
Yep...I'm still back and helping to cross the T. - 31/07/2012 05:40:33 PM 905 Views
- 31/07/2012 05:48:53 PM 868 Views
Hey Brad! So nice to hear from you. - 31/07/2012 05:48:10 PM 886 Views
Hey there, of course I do - 31/07/2012 06:42:06 PM 913 Views
*big grin* It is good to see you. *NM* - 31/07/2012 06:47:35 PM 572 Views
Welcome back. - 31/07/2012 07:21:16 PM 800 Views
Brad! - 31/07/2012 07:59:27 PM 877 Views
Elaine! - 31/07/2012 11:01:05 PM 827 Views
~digs toes into carpet~ - 05/08/2012 05:53:36 PM 872 Views
Hey, nice to hear from you. *NM* - 31/07/2012 08:14:33 PM 539 Views
Welcome back - 31/07/2012 08:40:26 PM 795 Views
wait... you were that brown-noser, right? - 31/07/2012 09:48:53 PM 855 Views
Ha! *NM* - 31/07/2012 11:53:58 PM 509 Views
BRAD *HUGS* *NM* - 31/07/2012 10:15:49 PM 528 Views
*cartwheels!!!* - 31/07/2012 10:57:03 PM 794 Views
Hi! I remember you. Of course. - 31/07/2012 11:14:32 PM 881 Views
Of course we remember you. - 31/07/2012 11:44:37 PM 813 Views
*hugs muchly* - 31/07/2012 11:54:15 PM 854 Views
I don't know who you are. - 01/08/2012 01:19:31 AM 808 Views
Hullo *NM* - 01/08/2012 02:11:40 AM 525 Views
Welcome - 01/08/2012 05:28:14 AM 868 Views
And a welcome back to you also. - 07/08/2012 05:00:01 PM 889 Views
Re: And a welcome back to you also. - 08/08/2012 05:52:08 AM 766 Views
Most of us, anyway. - 08/08/2012 07:12:40 PM 799 Views
Re: Most of us, anyway. - 09/08/2012 07:19:04 AM 853 Views
I feel your pain. - 09/08/2012 07:43:29 AM 803 Views
Shame - 09/08/2012 09:51:23 AM 845 Views
Yeah, chat would be nice. *NM* - 09/08/2012 01:10:30 PM 537 Views
Hopefully we can soon demonstrate sufficient maturity to justify the effort. - 09/08/2012 06:45:35 PM 1168 Views
Oh I've had it for a long time... - 09/08/2012 08:22:57 PM 891 Views
Welcome back! *NM* - 01/08/2012 08:59:02 AM 500 Views
Hey Brad. *NM* - 01/08/2012 02:30:36 PM 572 Views
You need to post a pic of the ring... - 01/08/2012 09:49:38 PM 734 Views
Glad to hear you're not dead! - 02/08/2012 12:12:39 AM 799 Views
I never understood that. - 02/08/2012 04:19:15 PM 892 Views
Hah, good to see you! *NM* - 02/08/2012 08:42:24 PM 508 Views
Hooray! You're back! - 03/08/2012 09:45:37 AM 822 Views
We were worried sick! - 04/08/2012 12:24:34 AM 787 Views
I remember - 04/08/2012 02:34:25 AM 889 Views
I wondered if you'd wander back here sometime ... - 04/08/2012 05:21:58 PM 793 Views
Yay!! - 04/08/2012 07:48:15 PM 836 Views
Welcome back, and thanks for putting many minds at ease. - 07/08/2012 04:55:28 PM 823 Views
OMG! I thought we'd never hear from you again, Brad! - 07/08/2012 06:14:09 PM 837 Views
Welcome back! *NM* - 08/08/2012 11:54:42 PM 492 Views
Hi Brad - 24/08/2012 10:38:35 AM 1200 Views

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