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That is why I possed it as a question random thoughts Send a noteboard - 27/07/2012 06:12:43 PM
My only real knowledge of it has been the American coverage of the British coverage. I was wondering if it is a big of deal as the American media is making it out to be. But yeah to me it does seem to be a bit of an overreaction which seems too based primarily on a very disingenuous interpretation of what he said.

First if they want to be offended by him sticking his nose in the issue they need to start with Brian Williams since he is the one who ask the questions. I find telling how many times politicians from both sides are criticized for discussing issues when all they did was answer a question then we turn around and complain that we only get group tested answers that really ignore the question. We can’t have it both ways.

Second he neither said nor implied that the people of London would not be able to come together and get it done he simply said that how well they came together would be what made the Olympics successful. Should he have added a “which I don’t doubt for second they will” on the end? Yeah that would have helped. If people read a prediction of failure into they were projecting their own doubts and fears not to mention political prejudice into things. If they were simply offended that he mentioned some of the problems they had then we are back to the thin skinned thing. As for your argument that NY or really anywhere else in America would get bent out of shape because someone said something that if you squint you can find offense in I would say give me an example. America is one of the most heavily and continuous criticized countries in the world and even our friends seem to think it is OK to take shots at the US so where are the examples of public outrage of imagined slights or because someone pointed out the issues we have discussing for weeks? It isn’t like did what some European leaders have done and gave his opinion on an ongoing political race and even when they did that I don’t remember much uproar.
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Are the British really that thin skinned? - 27/07/2012 03:25:44 PM 845 Views
I still haven't figured out how it was offensive but it apparently was *NM* - 27/07/2012 04:43:23 PM 222 Views
One of these days I will learn how to repsond to a post *NM* - 27/07/2012 05:29:56 PM 236 Views
The great irony is... - 28/07/2012 04:26:08 AM 477 Views
Especially compared to the slights from Obama - 27/07/2012 04:50:11 PM 470 Views
I think you have to be careful, because you can't see it the way they do. - 27/07/2012 05:23:22 PM 538 Views
That is why I possed it as a question - 27/07/2012 06:12:43 PM 490 Views
Yeah sure, we never get upset by stuff like this. - 27/07/2012 06:47:59 PM 554 Views
I my defense - 27/07/2012 07:44:18 PM 621 Views
I'm not attacking, so you probably don't need defense. - 27/07/2012 08:14:33 PM 613 Views
Let me tell you a story. - 27/07/2012 08:44:16 PM 675 Views
It's more likely the press making a big deal out of nothing. - 27/07/2012 05:35:20 PM 492 Views
I agree with this too - 27/07/2012 05:38:15 PM 431 Views
The middle of nowhere comment was pretty good *NM* - 27/07/2012 06:13:27 PM 212 Views
That was what it seemed like to me. The "Mr. Leader" thing was sort of funny, though. - 27/07/2012 08:16:11 PM 521 Views
Yeah - 28/07/2012 10:02:25 AM 519 Views
It's more been a critique on his ability to be a statesman - 27/07/2012 06:42:35 PM 496 Views
I agree he practiced poor statesmanship - 27/07/2012 07:52:17 PM 505 Views
Is anything ever as bad as the morning cable guys make it out to be? *NM* - 27/07/2012 08:48:32 PM 235 Views
The way they were going you would think he had goosed the queen *NM* - 27/07/2012 09:40:59 PM 220 Views
~shrug~ - 27/07/2012 08:29:42 PM 677 Views
It was unmannerly and unstatesman-like. - 28/07/2012 01:09:36 AM 486 Views
I think some were at worst fleetingly annoyed - 28/07/2012 08:12:29 AM 613 Views
Couldn't give a toodle-flip, mate. - 01/08/2012 02:37:14 PM 581 Views
well good luck with that *NM* - 01/08/2012 02:39:26 PM 224 Views

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