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To be fair, I am aware of no confirmed instance of Carter lying to the public. Joel Send a noteboard - 20/05/2012 06:07:20 PM
Not that that means it never happened, and your basic point is valid. It is telling that Obamas abandoned campaign pledges offend his partisan foes more than they do his erstwhile supporters. It is a little surreal to see Lamar Alexander insisting individual citizens receive GM stock as part of the bailout while people call Obama a "socialist." I know socialists; socialists are friends of mine: Obama is no socialist. :[

Still, trzaskas basic point is valid, too, whatever his motives. Those of us who voted for Obama in the faint hope of an outsider young enough to retain the idealism necessary to fundamentally change a badly broken system have been cruelly disappointed. Perhaps his greatest sin is disillusioning a generation of Americans and providing Republicans with ample evidence government is incapable of anything constructive. Democrats finally achieved their perennial Great White Hope of young liberals turning out in droves to elect a leader with genuinely liberal policies, only to witness the dream deferred by a candidate who campaigned as FDR but governed as Bush 43. This generation of Americans also had a rendezvous with destiny, but their leader took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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Love still can't be coerced.
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LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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As per literary bio from 1991 - Obama "born in Kenya" - 17/05/2012 08:46:09 PM 729 Views
The person who wrote that in 1991, has stated that she made a mistake - 18/05/2012 01:23:03 AM 415 Views
Why do you keep harping this issue anyway? *NM* - 18/05/2012 01:23:22 AM 268 Views
I get the impression he was mocking it? *NM* - 18/05/2012 02:27:44 AM 175 Views
I wouldn't exactly say mocking, but rather entertained by the topic. Bottom line: - 18/05/2012 02:42:05 AM 387 Views
That's your bottom line? You may want to bring evidence for it then. - 18/05/2012 10:02:29 AM 382 Views
Let's think about this logically..... - 18/05/2012 03:04:32 PM 364 Views
obama lied about something to get elected? that makes 44 presidents in a row *NM* - 18/05/2012 03:28:55 PM 160 Views
To be fair, I am aware of no confirmed instance of Carter lying to the public. - 20/05/2012 06:07:20 PM 370 Views
Your "logic" is no adequate substitute for evidence, I'm afraid. - 18/05/2012 03:29:46 PM 392 Views
It is to me..... - 18/05/2012 04:49:18 PM 295 Views
I think it's ridiculous that it matters to you. - 18/05/2012 06:02:05 PM 358 Views
I know that, but once again.....Obama was supposed to be different. - 18/05/2012 07:14:24 PM 251 Views
and if one actually believed he'd magically be "different", you were a naive fool - 19/05/2012 11:26:14 PM 346 Views
Obamas greatest crime is convincing a generation of young Americans to question that... - 20/05/2012 06:56:37 PM 336 Views
Excellent post.....Go Joel Go! *NM* - 20/05/2012 10:02:53 PM 125 Views
*shrugs* It is what it is, as the kids say. - 20/05/2012 11:03:58 PM 402 Views
Roland, he's never even used the word 'Kenya' on the board before - 18/05/2012 02:55:40 AM 319 Views
Looking back, I don't think I ever posted about the birther issue. - 18/05/2012 03:04:39 AM 266 Views
actually...... - 18/05/2012 03:35:02 PM 278 Views
Thank you - 19/05/2012 12:52:45 AM 327 Views
Blah, blah, blah. - 18/05/2012 06:46:18 PM 361 Views
Obama had a Democratic House majority, and a Senate super-majority. - 20/05/2012 06:22:44 PM 382 Views
Joel hits the nail on the head, again..... - 20/05/2012 10:15:10 PM 270 Views

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