Just wondering, my last 2 hires are great young professionals and both are saddled with over $100K in debt.....and one just got her BS (the other has a BS and MBA). This is crazy. So, a few questions for the RAFO crew:
1. How much debt did you accumulate while in college (or are tracking to accumulate for you current students)?
Actually, I'm not sure. I had a strange situation - my parents made enough money to block any sort of aid, but not enough to really help me with college. I had my own loans, but my parents also partly used money from the home equity loan thingie. Theennn, my father passed away, and I suddenly qualified for more aid, and the loan was zeroed out. So, I know I still technically owe my mother money, but not exactly how much. And I just paid off the last of the loans I managed to get in my own name. And the credit cards, on which I stupidly put the $700/semester books I had to buy.
2. What are your loan terms? How long and how much per month?
I started out with four of them, and paid around $50.00 (eachish) a month from 2002 until now.
3. What was your major/area of study?
Landscape Horticulture and Design (BS)
4. If you had a chance to do everything again (school, major, debt amount), would you? What would you have changed, if anything?
Possibly. I didn't know that I wouldn't make much money. I'm intelligent enough to have done something that makes the cold, hard cash, but I did something I wanted to do instead. Silly.
Student Loans - Who's got them and for how much!
28/04/2012 04:18:50 AM
I haven't got them yet, but if I go into law school I may end up acquiring some.
28/04/2012 09:44:02 AM
I'll finish with about $262,000 and a DVM
28/04/2012 03:07:05 PM
Not me!
28/04/2012 04:31:37 PM
The reward is definitely not worth the payout. *NM*
28/04/2012 05:56:36 PM
Not always true ...
29/04/2012 03:04:51 PM
I have two student loans, of which I have repaid not a penny.
29/04/2012 02:21:09 PM