Active Users:280 Time:01/07/2024 08:37:03 PM
Also the poor should not be allowed to vote Roland00 Send a noteboard - 10/04/2012 10:13:27 PM
Anybody that has taken more than $1000 dollars in welfare in the last year should forfeit their right to vote for members of congress.

You can have your social safety net, but you shouldn't have the power to vote for people who determine the nation's finances, people who can grant pork to those welfare queens.

Now people that took $1000 dollars or more should be allowed to vote for president since the president has no direct influence on the budget of the US, just the ability to veto. The president is important for he has a massive control over foreign policy, bureaucracy, and nominates people to the supreme court. Those issues affect welfare queens as much as true americans.
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No voter fraud Mr. Holder? I beg to differ..... - 09/04/2012 07:13:46 PM 661 Views
The irony of a Republican-leaning person pointing this out... *NM* - 09/04/2012 08:37:33 PM 153 Views
Why is it ironic? - 09/04/2012 09:54:10 PM 412 Views
The irony is merely that of the pot and the kettle - 10/04/2012 01:05:39 AM 307 Views
If you are referring to FL in 2000.....those machines were bought by Dems..... - 10/04/2012 01:17:26 AM 296 Views
Was thinking more about Ohio to be honest - 10/04/2012 01:22:55 AM 307 Views
Intentional Voting Suppression is what they are trying to do in Florida right now(due to a 2011 law) - 10/04/2012 04:22:25 AM 452 Views
Honestly, I'm fine with convicted felons permanently losing their right to vote..... - 10/04/2012 04:34:31 AM 287 Views
I am also fine with stupid people not being allowed to vote - 10/04/2012 04:36:20 AM 252 Views
Agreed - stupid people should not be allowed to vote, maybe an IQ test? - 10/04/2012 05:17:43 AM 255 Views
Also the poor should not be allowed to vote - 10/04/2012 10:13:27 PM 255 Views
Hey, to jump in here. - 18/04/2012 04:12:15 AM 252 Views
I don't know about permanently... - 10/04/2012 02:10:10 PM 273 Views
Who is talking about letting felons vote in prison? - 10/04/2012 02:24:29 PM 353 Views
The League of Women Voters, for one - 10/04/2012 08:50:39 PM 275 Views
Ohio? When? *NM* - 10/04/2012 04:30:29 AM 103 Views
2008. - 10/04/2012 04:37:15 AM 250 Views
Once again, Dems were running those polls and counties. - 10/04/2012 05:19:14 AM 227 Views
they were not in 2004 and still had vote supression and irregularities - 10/04/2012 04:44:36 PM 261 Views
I think you've got your facts wrong - 10/04/2012 09:00:55 PM 271 Views
Stating something doesn't make it true - 10/04/2012 04:10:33 AM 320 Views
I'm impressed that you wrote so much in reply - 10/04/2012 04:36:02 AM 276 Views
How long voting takes is a function of machines, not voters. - 10/04/2012 02:08:39 PM 345 Views
It's a function of various factors, that can certainly be one - 10/04/2012 08:12:08 PM 297 Views
Ohio in 2004 was hinky enough to prompt the only Congressional challenge since 1876s Corrupt Bargain - 10/04/2012 11:36:52 PM 418 Views
I know it's a bit pot/kettle but dude... stay on topic - 11/04/2012 01:34:26 AM 321 Views
I LOST PORKINS! - 11/04/2012 07:26:41 AM 338 Views
As long as people need not purchase their voting requirements, voter IDs are fine by me. - 10/04/2012 12:53:35 PM 359 Views
It's frightening when I agree with you. - 10/04/2012 02:52:23 PM 273 Views
Law of averages, maybe. - 10/04/2012 04:44:55 PM 392 Views

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