Active Users:703 Time:11/03/2025 05:09:44 AM
You're probably right about it being 1st Edition. Kaldric Send a noteboard - 01/02/2012 09:19:25 PM
It's clear that Newt was running a first edition campaign. Now, third level may be a BIT early for that much loot after one encounter, but looking at the old Gary Gygax modules rings of protection are easily seen in 3-5 Level adventures, and although Hill Giant Strength is better than gauntlets of ogre power, we're still only talking about 19 Strength. And the rule of thumb is that by 3rd level everyone in the party should have a +1 weapon, and the occasional +2 weapon is not unheard of.

I missed the flumph reference the first time through. I never have played a 1E game myself (I started playing with 2E), but I happen to have a few adventures to reference. One for a group of adventurers between 1-3 levels has one magic weapon available for the whole adventure. I understand Gygax liked to spoil players, however (probably to partially make up for terrorizing them). Another adventure for 3-5 seems to have much more available, too.

For all the criticism about newer editions, I had assumed magic items were even more rare in earlier editions. Apparently that's not the case.

P.S. The "NSSP" is implied.

Of course, [Quixote] carried it a bit too far. He thought that every windmill was a giant. That's insane. But, thinking that they might be...
--Justin Playfair, They Might Be Giants
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/RPG: If only the debates were like this - 01/02/2012 02:08:09 AM 733 Views
Paul is clearly a Chaotic Neutral wild mage. - 01/02/2012 01:50:05 PM 459 Views
Heh *NM* - 01/02/2012 01:58:51 PM 207 Views
Dude... - 01/02/2012 02:56:14 PM 623 Views
200+8,310+2,000+16,000=26,500 in 3.5, a normal 3rd level character should have 2,700 or 1/10th that *NM* - 01/02/2012 04:36:00 PM 267 Views
Exactly. Even divided amongst the three players there shouldn't be stuff that valuable that early. - 01/02/2012 06:41:35 PM 560 Views
You can get Pun-Pun at level 3 - 01/02/2012 07:12:02 PM 443 Views
You can get pun pun at level 1 with fluff material - 01/02/2012 07:37:07 PM 431 Views
I'm not familiar with a level 3 Pun-Pun. - 01/02/2012 07:45:32 PM 557 Views
As Roland said, you can get Pun Pun at level 1 with Pazuzu *NM* - 01/02/2012 09:52:14 PM 208 Views
That response was where bull met shit. - 01/02/2012 08:27:20 PM 453 Views
You're probably right about it being 1st Edition. - 01/02/2012 09:19:25 PM 660 Views

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