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How is it anyone's fault ? Orange Send a noteboard - 27/11/2011 11:24:53 PM
It used to be Americans had it easy. You could finish college with any degree and get work. Now it's pretty much getting in line with the rest of the world.

When the hi-tech company I work for has a conference call with an American one, all the engineers we speak with are Indians, or Chinese Or Iranians or Israelis or anything but wasps. That's probably because studying engineering is damn hard for some, and if you can earn just as much studying history than why would you ? I'm can't be sure I would.

So, the next generation will wise up and study more engineering, natural sciences, agriculture, mining and all the other stuff that made the US a great place in the first place.

If I had to blame anything, I would blame the Fed, and the dollar as world reserve currency and some other stuff that gave America the easy money drug.

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5 Ways We (gen X) Ruined the Occupy Wall Street Generation - 27/11/2011 08:26:47 AM 1754 Views
Is gen x people who grew up in the 80's? - 27/11/2011 12:48:35 PM 954 Views
Really, it's generally mid-1960s to end of the 1970s - 27/11/2011 05:41:59 PM 811 Views
I think 65-85 is gen X - 28/11/2011 03:18:52 PM 915 Views
Best thing I've read RE: OWS yet. *NM* - 27/11/2011 05:18:34 PM 374 Views
It's really mostly correct, and also highlights why OWS was a total failure. - 27/11/2011 05:44:15 PM 869 Views
Again forced to agree. - 27/11/2011 10:31:31 PM 782 Views
The blame is mostly wrong. - 27/11/2011 05:46:47 PM 789 Views
I largely agree. - 27/11/2011 10:28:50 PM 848 Views
You're all dicks, basically. - 27/11/2011 07:17:56 PM 950 Views
How is it anyone's fault ? - 27/11/2011 11:24:53 PM 799 Views
Re: How is it anyone's fault ? - 28/11/2011 01:29:13 PM 806 Views
Re: Great post, I shall memebomb. *NM* - 28/11/2011 03:14:00 AM 506 Views
mostly BS - 28/11/2011 10:53:59 PM 876 Views
Re: mostly BS - 29/11/2011 03:27:44 AM 920 Views
There is nothing wrong with not working in your field - 29/11/2011 12:54:18 PM 846 Views

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