Active Users:309 Time:20/09/2024 11:23:07 PM
And they clearly are, but I don't have a personal prefered definition, which is why I ask Isaac Send a noteboard - 21/11/2011 11:36:35 PM
I am somewhat aware of how to conduct a real survey.

I think you're assuming some implied criticism on my end of thing and that's not why I brought up definitions, actually my reply was basically my answer. From my perspective that's more of a question about a persons ethical code then one in which people can really give a consistent personal answer. It's kinda like that "Your house is on fire, and you can only save one thing" question, lots of people answer it by trying to figure out what the asker would think the best answer is, quite a lot of the remainder will try to come up with something witty or clever, like "The Fire", or pragmatic and say "My phone, so I can call the Fire Dept." That can be informative too but if your goal was to find out what inanimate and portable sentimental object people place the most value, you generally need to specify that if you want more than a small minority of people to answer that.

As a curiosity, the professor I mentioned has been part of a study concerning the food likes and dislikes of US soldiers. Of the foods labeled institutional, chocolate and vanilla shake were most liked, least favourites were orange coconut bar and creamed chipped beef.

That's not surprising, usually if someone doesn't like a specific item with a well known flavor they won't come away thinking "Yuck, I hate chocolate" they'll think "Yuck, I hate this specific thing, this specific chocolate is bad". I'm a little surprised the strawberry shake wasn't right up there with them, typically one of those protein shakes is about the only thing that's definitely reasonably okay inside a random MRE, assuming your prof was conducting on MRE's. Somehow I'm betting the peaches, the beef stew, and the ravioli were high on the list and the Country Captain Chicken was right down near the bottom.

But I'm not conducting a survey, merely asking a question, and am perfectly happy with people who interpret the question in their own way.

Like I said, I'm not knocking the question, I was actually answering it, I consider the term too fluid to context and audience to give a meaningful answer, and I don't happen to have a personal, specific definition for the term so without a specific parameter for you, the answer really is "In what sense do you mean that?", since you say you don't really have a specific concept in mind, the question kinda of resolves to me as "X + Y = 10, what is X?", with that data I can pretty much only answer X in terms of Y, which is why I mentioned Altruism as a possible Y. I'm not disparaging the question, or any of the answers given, just that for me the question kinda amounts to "Which do prefer, a mirror, a dog, or a hammer?" none are independently huge on my list and generally any circumstance in which I'd need to pick one would be a no brainer. If ambition is simply here as a context of 'more rank, power, and money in your job' then I'd assume that to be a no brainer "Yes", same as "Would like $1000?" until the expected "at the expense or risk of..." comes in to which the answer would be too personal and case specific to mean anything.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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Are you ambitious? - 21/11/2011 04:31:10 PM 637 Views
I am not. - 21/11/2011 05:03:04 PM 378 Views
That's exactly how I am, too. *NM* - 21/11/2011 05:20:34 PM 136 Views
Yes. *NM* - 21/11/2011 05:12:57 PM 148 Views
Nope. - 21/11/2011 06:00:41 PM 336 Views
That's like asking someone if they're altruistic, it depends very heavily on the definition *NM* - 21/11/2011 06:58:22 PM 145 Views
Those who answer can feel free to define it any way they wish - 21/11/2011 08:46:36 PM 303 Views
And they clearly are, but I don't have a personal prefered definition, which is why I ask - 21/11/2011 11:36:35 PM 456 Views
kind of - 21/11/2011 08:09:19 PM 312 Views
No. - 21/11/2011 08:20:35 PM 348 Views
No - greatness is being thrust upon me *NM* - 21/11/2011 09:25:00 PM 175 Views
You are not supposed to talk about that in public! - 22/11/2011 02:44:19 AM 370 Views
*NM* - 22/11/2011 04:52:43 AM 148 Views
I used to be but I got over it - 21/11/2011 10:43:51 PM 386 Views
So I've been told. *NM* - 21/11/2011 11:37:16 PM 159 Views

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