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Life extension with the people I love is a wholly different scenario Helene Send a noteboard - 30/07/2011 07:50:33 AM
After 40 things start changing fast. I am 45 and I am still in reasonably good shape for someone my age even if i am carrying an extra 15 or so pounds.

I'm sure I'll also change for the worse physically somewhere within the next 13 years.

Still I now need glasses to read. I can't sleep in because I have to get up to pee. I have to exercise twice as long for half the results and it leaves me twice as tired. In most sports an athlete at 32 is at the peak while 45 is a has been. Not old yet but old enough to realize it doesn't last and the best days are behind me.

I need glasses to see. I am certainly no athlete; I got hit pretty bad last year by pertussis (aka whooping cough), which I'm only now really starting to recover from. I've never been able to sleep in, as I'm a morning person.

I was thinking more along the lines of life extension and in my mind that would entail some sort of rejuvenation process. I agree being a corpscicle only to wake up and alone isn't very appealing.

Yes, rejuvenation is something I can really get behind, as long as my loved ones join in. Otherwise, I'll just have to come to terms with getting older, just like everyone else.
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Are most people really happy? Would You Like Another Plate of This (shit)? - 29/07/2011 04:37:38 AM 917 Views
Eh ... I doubt it's a lack of happiness. - 29/07/2011 05:39:10 AM 529 Views
one of humans greatest strength is we evolved with the ability to adapt - 29/07/2011 11:56:45 AM 462 Views
I think that's only the beginning of flaws in his argument. - 29/07/2011 09:54:27 PM 469 Views
I'm really happy. With my current life. - 29/07/2011 12:07:43 PM 455 Views
yes but you are still young - 29/07/2011 12:39:14 PM 422 Views
There's a difference between being young again when I'm older, and waking up 100 years after death - 29/07/2011 08:31:22 PM 433 Views
from a curiosity standpoint, I think random has a point - 29/07/2011 09:56:25 PM 669 Views
I would only want to be revived to see humanity colonizing another planet ... - 30/07/2011 02:49:43 AM 424 Views
32 is still pretty young - 29/07/2011 10:16:29 PM 457 Views
Life extension with the people I love is a wholly different scenario - 30/07/2011 07:50:33 AM 426 Views
I have days like that, but it isn't my life. - 29/07/2011 01:18:29 PM 457 Views

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