Active Users:375 Time:26/06/2024 08:27:41 PM
Your entire response is lacking actual answers. Tom Send a noteboard - 15/07/2011 03:42:04 AM
Our unfunded entitlement liabilities are at $145 TRILLION right now. That's about TEN TIMES THE NATIONAL DEFICIT. Obama's proposed changes are so gradual as to be insignificant. The only way to actually make the budget work is to pare down Medicare and Medicaid to a bare minimum, or just bite the fucking bullet and make medicine socialized and ruthlessly slash what doctors and hospitals get, restrict medical malpractice to a minimum and cut out insurance companies altogether. One or the other. At this point I couldn't fucking care less which we do, but we can't keep what we have now and they'd better not fucking keep paying for those goddamn scooter chairs. People should get off their lazy fat asses and WALK, and old people can get by with walkers and canes like they used to.
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Debt Ceiling Debacle: Are Republican Leaders Spinelessly Selfish, or Cluelessly Selfish? - 14/07/2011 04:57:30 PM 830 Views
funny how people only believe polls that say what they want to hear - 14/07/2011 06:08:21 PM 383 Views
I have yet to hear anything about any actual proposal - 14/07/2011 06:23:16 PM 384 Views
*heh* Good point. I haven't read of any details. - 14/07/2011 06:57:04 PM 327 Views
I think you have to be there to get a detailed spreadsheet, but the general terms are known. - 14/07/2011 08:36:39 PM 603 Views
Your entire response is lacking actual answers. - 15/07/2011 03:42:04 AM 569 Views
That kind of headline doesn't really help, you know? - 14/07/2011 06:33:43 PM 471 Views
I second this. Definitely need less antagonism *NM* - 14/07/2011 07:36:54 PM 168 Views
"I have no idea what we're talking about, but my opinion is important anyway!" - 14/07/2011 09:03:10 PM 481 Views
just because you believe the silly rhetoric doens't mean it isn't rhetoric *NM* - 14/07/2011 09:27:08 PM 137 Views
Rhetoric can be right or wrong, but it's still rhetoric. *NM* - 14/07/2011 09:56:32 PM 247 Views
I can't think of anything else to call it. - 14/07/2011 09:17:42 PM 501 Views
I just think that you could have said all that in a much more less antagonistic way. - 14/07/2011 10:16:49 PM 490 Views
I do see your point, but it often takes a shock for people to question reflexive views. - 14/07/2011 10:53:07 PM 460 Views
there's a difference between shock and antagonism - 14/07/2011 11:43:20 PM 361 Views
Fair enough. - 15/07/2011 12:27:44 AM 536 Views
it is selfish to demand tax increases to allow needed spending reductions *NM* - 15/07/2011 02:48:11 PM 280 Views
It's shamefully selfish to demand others sacrifice their existence for your luxury. - 15/07/2011 04:14:04 PM 351 Views
that woulkd be shameful thank god it isnothing but rhetoric *NM* - 15/07/2011 07:17:44 PM 167 Views
It's the simple sad truth. - 15/07/2011 09:36:34 PM 286 Views
so defalting for tax increases is OK? - 18/07/2011 04:28:34 PM 362 Views
No, tax increases to PREVENT a default is OK. - 18/07/2011 06:36:15 PM 452 Views
And you haven't even gotten into the cries for a "balanced budget amendment." - 14/07/2011 09:17:04 PM 322 Views
Did the Mitch McConnel thing remind anyone else of Jar Jar Binks appearing before the Senate... - 15/07/2011 07:38:52 AM 438 Views
It probably would have if I didn't do everything I could to avoid thinking of Jar Jar Binks *NM* - 15/07/2011 11:20:09 AM 181 Views
Well said. *NM* - 15/07/2011 01:46:46 PM 169 Views
Pretty much everyone in the Tea Party, I think. - 15/07/2011 04:45:08 PM 378 Views
obama needs to learn when to STFU sometimes - 15/07/2011 08:14:29 PM 412 Views
And make policy. - 15/07/2011 10:08:50 PM 523 Views
Clueless only in the sense that they aren't heeding the signals of their owners. - 17/07/2011 06:46:42 AM 583 Views
Coaches have to do things fans dislike to win games, or get fired anyway when they lose. - 17/07/2011 04:11:38 PM 481 Views
Here's to hoping I'm wrong. - 18/07/2011 08:46:13 AM 523 Views
I was all set to argue, then I read the other new responses. - 18/07/2011 06:36:05 PM 528 Views

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