People who chew with their mouth open. How, in the name of Zeus' butthole, have grown-ass people gotten to adulthood and have never been taught to eat without making everyone around them see and hear averything in their mouth? It's terrible sitting at a restaurant or in a movie theater and the person behind you or in the next booth is louder than the movie and/or general din of the place.
And while I'm at it, I'd like to address gum-snappers. It annoys everyone around you! The only person within 20 feet of you not giving you disapproving and disgusted looks is YOU!
And while I'm at it, effing blue-tooth headset people who speak as loudly as they can while in line at the store or bank or whatever. "Hey, random people withhin earshot, I think you all will think I'm incredibly important if I speak very loudly about my job while buying my groceries." Guess what? We don't. We are considering punching you in the back of the head so hard that your brain leaks out your eye.
And while I'm at it, I hate people who can't merge. It's very freaking simple, toolshed. Put on your blinker, merge smoothly into the next lane, have a Coke, a smile, and shut the f*** up. Do us all a favor and never try to figure out a round-about. If you can't merge well onto a not-so-busy street, a round-about will end you.
And while I'm at it, my brother-in-law is an asshole.
And while I'm at it, I'd like to address gum-snappers. It annoys everyone around you! The only person within 20 feet of you not giving you disapproving and disgusted looks is YOU!
And while I'm at it, effing blue-tooth headset people who speak as loudly as they can while in line at the store or bank or whatever. "Hey, random people withhin earshot, I think you all will think I'm incredibly important if I speak very loudly about my job while buying my groceries." Guess what? We don't. We are considering punching you in the back of the head so hard that your brain leaks out your eye.
And while I'm at it, I hate people who can't merge. It's very freaking simple, toolshed. Put on your blinker, merge smoothly into the next lane, have a Coke, a smile, and shut the f*** up. Do us all a favor and never try to figure out a round-about. If you can't merge well onto a not-so-busy street, a round-about will end you.
And while I'm at it, my brother-in-law is an asshole.
Makin' sweet love to CMBs since 2001.
You know what I don't get?
12/04/2011 09:11:36 PM
Jeff Bridges chews with his mouth open while talking at the same time in every single movie he's in
13/04/2011 02:10:01 PM