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Re: *takes on her white coat, clears her throat and starts lecturing* Rebekah Send a noteboard - 31/03/2011 05:48:19 PM
First of all, if you start to feel ill, give your body rest and time to heal itself instead of hoping it will go away while going about one's busy life. Often the start of a cold will just simply go away if you just take it easy a couple of days.

Ah yes, that is always one of my problems. There's too much to do at work so I soldier on till I can't anymore.

Second, all the general stuff about eating healthy, not smoking and staying in physical shape. If walking is difficult, what about swimming or cycling?

Swimming is bad because it invariably gives me cramps in my legs. Cycling is bad because it scares me. I might get an exercycle (stationary bike), though. I've worked out my walking limit so if I can make myself go for a couple of short walks a day that would help.

On stomach bugs there's usually one out of two culprits afoot: children or not good enough hand-washing. (stomach bugs spread by the fecal-oral route). Make sure to wash your hands or use hand-desinfectant before handling food. According to a friend of mine who's more often than not seriously immuno-suppressed to medications, being neurotic about this helps with reducing infections.

I am. But I doubt people at work are that concerned, and when you share a bathroom with 100+ other women I guess that takes its toll. I will get some alcohol-based hand cleaner. I don't like using the disinfectant ones.

Last, you could try various natural remedies. Few have any real evidence, and I don't know much about it. But I've heard that garlic is supposed to enhance the immune system (AND it keeps nasty blood-sucking vampires away, which is a positive side effect)

Oh yeah. I used those last year. I think they helped.

An important thing if you start on some herbal medicines or other so-called alternative medicines is telling your doctor about it if you get any medications, since many of the herbal medicines interfere with drug metabolism in the body.

~nods~ True.

Hope you get well soon!

Thank you. :)

-Self-appointed RAFO-almost-doctor :P

You and Michael could open a practice! :P

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
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Immune system - suggestions for how to improve it? - 31/03/2011 11:45:52 AM 1019 Views
Leeches. - 31/03/2011 11:55:59 AM 652 Views
... - 31/03/2011 11:57:46 AM 714 Views
What snoop said. - 31/03/2011 12:58:31 PM 667 Views
Bah! - 31/03/2011 05:29:13 PM 631 Views
Re: Immune system - suggestions for how to improve it? - 31/03/2011 01:40:32 PM 596 Views
Re: Immune system - suggestions for how to improve it? - 31/03/2011 05:32:55 PM 720 Views
There are a lot of things that claim to help but not much that is proven to work - 31/03/2011 02:17:54 PM 596 Views
Yeah. - 31/03/2011 05:33:44 PM 604 Views
Make sure you're getting a lot of water. - 31/03/2011 03:30:28 PM 652 Views
Re: Make sure you're getting a lot of water. - 31/03/2011 05:35:25 PM 687 Views
Hahaha, I don't just kill my veggies, I torture them! - 31/03/2011 07:43:13 PM 580 Views
That's not torture! - 31/03/2011 08:26:08 PM 620 Views
Oh good! - 31/03/2011 08:43:37 PM 595 Views
Reminds me of when I was visiting Aeryn in SD. - 31/03/2011 08:54:43 PM 657 Views
Re: Reminds me of when I was visiting Aeryn in SD. - 01/04/2011 02:20:38 AM 629 Views
Re: Oh good! - 01/04/2011 02:16:32 AM 657 Views
Have it removed. Otherwise, sorry, no. *NM* - 31/03/2011 03:37:24 PM 227 Views
That probably would help. *NM* - 31/03/2011 05:36:00 PM 280 Views
Gosh. I'm just happy my suggestion was more useful than Snoop's. *NM* - 01/04/2011 05:44:14 PM 263 Views
Hm. - 31/03/2011 03:58:34 PM 552 Views
Re: Hm. - 31/03/2011 05:38:39 PM 540 Views
zinc helps with colds, not a strong immune system - 31/03/2011 04:07:28 PM 707 Views
and please give me a gold star *NM* - 31/03/2011 04:08:55 PM 254 Views
Yes. - 31/03/2011 05:42:53 PM 610 Views
*takes on her white coat, clears her throat and starts lecturing* - 31/03/2011 04:10:32 PM 842 Views
Re: *takes on her white coat, clears her throat and starts lecturing* - 31/03/2011 05:48:19 PM 687 Views
Du tok den på deg? - 02/04/2011 05:08:13 PM 539 Views
Come out for a drink at the pub *NM* - 31/03/2011 04:29:16 PM 266 Views
Indeed. - 31/03/2011 05:26:38 PM 628 Views
If you want my virus or whatever i'm coming dwon with, sure. - 31/03/2011 08:12:50 PM 548 Views
You want my stomach bug? *NM* - 31/03/2011 05:48:50 PM 275 Views
Nono. - 01/04/2011 10:18:34 AM 549 Views
Alcohol is a disinfectant, after all *NM* - 01/04/2011 08:26:21 AM 277 Views
Precisely. *NM* - 01/04/2011 10:18:56 AM 270 Views
'Tis the secret of why doctors remain so healthy. *NM* - 01/04/2011 12:11:08 PM 308 Views
What my sister said. - 31/03/2011 07:29:41 PM 579 Views
Eat healthy to make sure your immune system has the vitamins it needs - 31/03/2011 10:48:50 PM 639 Views
You getting much sunshine in Scotland? - 01/04/2011 07:16:20 AM 534 Views
Maybe u're not born for this side of the globe *NM* - 01/04/2011 09:02:40 AM 229 Views
Carry an alcohol hand gel around with you - 02/04/2011 01:44:37 AM 541 Views
Hopes and prayers things pick up for you. - 02/04/2011 05:10:11 PM 543 Views

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