Odd, I just had a similar (but different) recurring dream.
Joel Send a noteboard - 19/09/2009 11:28:43 AM
Mine are usually about people who've died, my father and, recently, the dog we had for twelve years who died in June. I'm not sure what to tell you other than 1) they tend to be very powerful and vivid and 2) it does get better with time, if only because you get used to the feel. For many years my dreams of my dad would be so powerful, so real, that I'd wake up with the intent of going to talk to him and it would take several minutes to remember I couldn't; he's gone. This morning, as I dreamed of doing something with him and my mom, was the first time I recall thinking IN THE DREAM, Wait, he can't be here, he's gone. And my dad passed away in '95; ironically, my history with WoT is directly connected to that event.
Dreams are funny things, man, and the spiritual side of me feels something real in many of them even if I don't understand it. About a month before my dog, who appeared to be in the best health of his life at the time, died, I had a dream where I went to save him because someone was hunting him, had even managed to shoot him a few times. As a teen, my mom would have dreams like that where a perfectly healthy relative suddenly died, and a month or two later they would; it got so bad she started praying for it to stop and it finally did. She also had a dream she was in a hospital being told I was stabbed to death, a dream so powerful she called me long distance and woke me up to warn me to be on my guard against someone attacking me with a knife in a place I wouldn't expect it. A week later a crackhead tried to stab me to death in my living room, but despite kneeling over me with a knife and plunging it into my gut a dozen or so times, couldn't even penetrate my shirt. It's hard for me not to look back with regret on what happened with our dog, because dream or no dream I was oblivious to what was going on with him until the last few days. Maybe it's just the subconscious picking up on things, trying to show us things, we're missing with our conscious mind.
On the other hand, I also had recurrent dreams about my first Love for many years, in all but two of which I was still after her and she was still kindly but firmly rebuffing me. That was nothing more than my inability to completely let go, and the price was way too high, so don't do that.
I dunno, man. Sometimes dreams mean something in us, sometimes something in the world, and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Knowing which is which is tricky at best. The closest I've come to understanding what one in the first category meant is managing not to be murdered in my own home. I hope and pray everything works out for you, man.
Dreams are funny things, man, and the spiritual side of me feels something real in many of them even if I don't understand it. About a month before my dog, who appeared to be in the best health of his life at the time, died, I had a dream where I went to save him because someone was hunting him, had even managed to shoot him a few times. As a teen, my mom would have dreams like that where a perfectly healthy relative suddenly died, and a month or two later they would; it got so bad she started praying for it to stop and it finally did. She also had a dream she was in a hospital being told I was stabbed to death, a dream so powerful she called me long distance and woke me up to warn me to be on my guard against someone attacking me with a knife in a place I wouldn't expect it. A week later a crackhead tried to stab me to death in my living room, but despite kneeling over me with a knife and plunging it into my gut a dozen or so times, couldn't even penetrate my shirt. It's hard for me not to look back with regret on what happened with our dog, because dream or no dream I was oblivious to what was going on with him until the last few days. Maybe it's just the subconscious picking up on things, trying to show us things, we're missing with our conscious mind.
On the other hand, I also had recurrent dreams about my first Love for many years, in all but two of which I was still after her and she was still kindly but firmly rebuffing me. That was nothing more than my inability to completely let go, and the price was way too high, so don't do that.
I dunno, man. Sometimes dreams mean something in us, sometimes something in the world, and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Knowing which is which is tricky at best. The closest I've come to understanding what one in the first category meant is managing not to be murdered in my own home. I hope and pray everything works out for you, man.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!
LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
NSSP: I have to share something, but you don't have to read. It is something about a dream I had..
19/09/2009 09:09:47 AM
Odd, I just had a similar (but different) recurring dream.
19/09/2009 11:28:43 AM