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Re: Do you have a blog? Lews_TherinThelamon Send a noteboard - 28/03/2011 08:41:12 PM
Why or why not?

I need to tell the world the truth. Also, I live far away from friends and family, and some of them like to read updates on my life.

-Can you tell me what it's primarily about (or link it?)

It's in Swedish, mostly, so I doubt you'd have any use of it. It's about my life and my opinions.

-Do you find that people enjoy reading it, or is it mostly for you?

Some of my friends seem to enjoy it when I write there (which is very seldom nowadays) and I've gotten quite a few comments from strangers over the years. Some psychology stuff I wrote a few years ago was commented on by some kiwi guy who was thrilled. I have no idea how he found it.

-Why didn't I know about this before now?

If you read everything I wrote on wotmania yoy would have seen it linked once or twice. I wrote mostly in English in the beginning, but changed more and more to Swedish.

-Do you follow any blogs?

Yes, a few. Some because I'm interested in the topics they write about, some because I'm an admirer of their art/work, some because they're friends and some because they're damn funny.

-How do you feel about blogging/ers in general?

I think it is both overrated and underrated.
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Do you have a blog? - 28/03/2011 03:14:27 AM 891 Views
I have four, actually - 28/03/2011 03:36:13 AM 562 Views
I have one. I mostly ramble on it. - 28/03/2011 04:08:10 AM 555 Views
Right here baby - 28/03/2011 04:08:50 AM 754 Views
Well now... - 28/03/2011 07:17:48 AM 536 Views
Well, a livejournal, if that counts - 28/03/2011 03:15:06 PM 551 Views
Yes. - 28/03/2011 05:00:58 PM 708 Views
i do, indeed - 28/03/2011 08:18:05 PM 829 Views
Re: Do you have a blog? - 28/03/2011 08:41:12 PM 491 Views
I'm... developing something... lazily... *NM* - 28/03/2011 09:49:22 PM 234 Views
Asssuming twitter doesn't count the answer would be no - 28/03/2011 11:03:03 PM 503 Views
I sure do - 28/03/2011 11:24:08 PM 637 Views
No. But I do follow the odd one. - 29/03/2011 04:07:16 AM 519 Views
Blogs. Blarg. - 29/03/2011 06:23:57 AM 903 Views
I do, in point of fact. - 29/03/2011 07:14:15 AM 485 Views
I do not... - 29/03/2011 08:08:33 AM 532 Views
no, but i do have a webcomic *NM* - 29/03/2011 05:17:27 PM 231 Views
Nope - 29/03/2011 07:19:25 PM 589 Views
I just started one... - 30/03/2011 04:06:29 AM 847 Views
Re: Do you have a blog? - 30/03/2011 10:01:08 PM 695 Views

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