Active Users:580 Time:11/03/2025 04:55:33 AM
I think Ave/Freud/Watson is touching it. (beat.) Send a noteboard - 11/02/2011 12:37:53 AM
It's been awarded. But. I don't think "for want of attention" is a good enough answer. I also think peace&quiet can be very disturbing for a bunch of other reasons to a bunch of different people. Since I don't know what you're talking about specifically, this might not apply. . . but boredom enters into it - and I mean boredom in the sense of, uh, stagnation. Being bored could lead to productivity, but only if you know how, and into what, to channel your energy. I think this sort of behaviour is often an effort to avoid or evade something. ( "Something" being whatever produces boredom; or maybe the recognition of that boredom (stagnation) itself. )
"All the worlds are in the sky
and some of them keep me from falling."

-- Charlie Mystery, age 5
This message last edited by (beat.) on 11/02/2011 at 12:44:51 AM
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Why can't some people function without drama in their lives? - 10/02/2011 04:54:38 AM 732 Views
It probably makes them feel more important than they otherwise are. - 10/02/2011 10:30:20 AM 433 Views
I have a relative like that - 10/02/2011 11:07:42 AM 449 Views
Some people need to feel like they are at the centre of things - 10/02/2011 11:31:40 AM 436 Views
A role model in their life made them that way. - 10/02/2011 12:51:37 PM 451 Views
some of it is just poor impulse control - 10/02/2011 01:56:47 PM 436 Views
oh, is *that* what you've got written across your forehead?? *NM* - 11/02/2011 01:55:27 AM 181 Views
THIS POST IS ABOUT ME, ISN'T IT *NM* - 10/02/2011 05:27:38 PM 264 Views
You're so vain. - 10/02/2011 10:25:21 PM 443 Views
I'm as mystified as you. - 10/02/2011 05:38:18 PM 465 Views
I think Ave/Freud/Watson is touching it. - 11/02/2011 12:37:53 AM 467 Views

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