2 1/2 pints of (lovely) ale doesn't make me this ... let's run with happy. So it is your fault that I love the world tonight.
How are you today, my darlings?
Going back to medschool tomorrow and wondering how Christmas went so fast. Also saw Meet the Parents: Little Fockers with friends tonight. Quite entertaining but so cringeworthy. Hope you don't get a full blown bubbly hangover tomorrow xx
And the answer came to her instantly: pride. Oh, you hear them say it's a sin; you hear them say it goes before a fall. the shepherd prides himself on keeping the wolf out from the flock. We pride ourselves on making a good history of our lives, a good story to be told.
Dear Prosecco: I hate you.
03/01/2011 11:37:34 PM
Re: Dear Prosecco: I hate you.
04/01/2011 12:25:21 AM
I'm in day 1 of my 5 day fast and colon cleansing. I've now shit my brains out all day.
04/01/2011 02:44:45 AM
Don't know what prosecco is either, but if it makes you happy, I want some too
04/01/2011 07:50:20 PM