Next, make each rib grow into a female pig (see: Genesis). Raise the pigs from the garbage at your local landfill until they reach a good breeding age, and then purchase a bull. Breed the pigs, selling them off when pork bellies are trading a good price on the Chicago commodities market, and slowly amass a fortune.
I cannot even copy his manner because the manner of his prose was the manner of his thinking and that was a dazzling succession of gaps; and you cannot ape a gap because you are bound to fill it in somehow or other -- and blot it out in the process. -- Nabokov
I have in my possession, twenty pounds of meat
06/11/2010 08:29:26 PM
Oh, and this had to be said... Put it in a sack and haunt it. *NM*
06/11/2010 08:34:29 PM
Re: Cut the ribs into twenty, single pieces.
06/11/2010 09:23:52 PM