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Which is why contracts have to be pages and pages long and combed over by bloodsucking lawyers. LiterateDog Send a noteboard - 12/10/2010 06:39:18 PM
No one is good on his word anymore unless you can force them to it.
"I'll blow whomever I want, whenever I want, as long as I can still breathe and kneel."
-Samantha Jones, SatC
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Is walking away from a mortgage immoral? - 12/10/2010 04:45:43 PM 1361 Views
Just as a contract is a two way street - - 12/10/2010 05:12:09 PM 860 Views
do we have a moral obligation to society? - 12/10/2010 06:00:17 PM 853 Views
It's a good question - 14/10/2010 02:41:21 AM 770 Views
Sort of have to disagree... - 13/10/2010 02:52:07 AM 803 Views
That's not true actually - 14/10/2010 02:35:43 AM 755 Views
Of course it's immoral. - 12/10/2010 05:13:16 PM 829 Views
But does one sided morality work? - 12/10/2010 05:38:56 PM 944 Views
That's the only kind of morality there is! What the hell is wrong with you? - 12/10/2010 08:15:55 PM 775 Views
nothing wrong with me but I think you are off your meds again - 12/10/2010 09:34:33 PM 770 Views
Re: nothing wrong with me but I think you are off your meds again - 15/10/2010 02:50:49 PM 1270 Views
well I really can't argue with the wrong is wrong end of story belief system - 15/10/2010 05:40:22 PM 971 Views
A contract isn't a promise; it's a legal agreement. *NM* - 12/10/2010 06:25:24 PM 402 Views
Which is why contracts have to be pages and pages long and combed over by bloodsucking lawyers. - 12/10/2010 06:39:18 PM 810 Views
I would agree with you if contracts didn't provide for breaking them. - 12/10/2010 07:33:15 PM 668 Views
Hrm. - 12/10/2010 07:35:38 PM 873 Views
It's not immoral to break the marriage contract. - 12/10/2010 08:19:50 PM 931 Views
I don't see that as the flaw in my logic. - 12/10/2010 08:37:52 PM 831 Views
Re: I don't see that as the flaw in my logic. - 12/10/2010 09:00:00 PM 923 Views
also - 12/10/2010 09:37:38 PM 777 Views
That makes no sense whatsoever. - 13/10/2010 11:38:06 PM 900 Views
That must be why they have you sign something called an agreementory note *NM* - 12/10/2010 07:33:32 PM 403 Views
Exactly *NM* - 12/10/2010 07:58:25 PM 382 Views
So, you think bankruptcy laws are immoral? - 13/10/2010 12:18:43 AM 821 Views
I don't think it's immoral at all. The contract usually specifies penalties for breach. - 12/10/2010 05:28:34 PM 905 Views
I thought the answer might be something like that. *NM* - 12/10/2010 05:35:35 PM 369 Views
that is close to the way I see it - 12/10/2010 05:45:25 PM 761 Views
It's both legal and immoral. - 12/10/2010 06:37:49 PM 845 Views
You didn't mention the third party - 12/10/2010 08:26:56 PM 695 Views
in a way I did since I did mention society - 12/10/2010 08:54:07 PM 836 Views
Thus the edit - 12/10/2010 09:10:53 PM 862 Views
either way I think you made a good point *NM* - 12/10/2010 09:38:58 PM 366 Views
will those neighbors... - 14/10/2010 04:52:26 AM 968 Views
All depends where you get your morals from, really. - 12/10/2010 08:28:41 PM 824 Views
I guess what i was trying to ask, at least in part - 12/10/2010 09:48:24 PM 792 Views
What if you look at it from the other perspective? - 12/10/2010 09:00:20 PM 842 Views
do you think they would if they had a legal way to do it? - 12/10/2010 10:04:57 PM 819 Views
Good point. *NM* - 12/10/2010 11:10:26 PM 386 Views
Sure, you could do that. - 13/10/2010 01:54:55 AM 843 Views
Much like the concept of morality itself. - 12/10/2010 11:47:23 PM 762 Views
I find this line particularly interesting. - 13/10/2010 12:13:18 AM 781 Views
Dunno. - 13/10/2010 12:56:56 AM 885 Views
As a professional in financial services - no, it is not. - 13/10/2010 01:44:18 AM 790 Views
but almost nobody sees it that way - 13/10/2010 12:53:25 PM 797 Views
Is the deal that if you default, the bank gets the house and nothing else, though? - 13/10/2010 02:40:48 PM 785 Views
yes but the bank has a limited ability to collect - 13/10/2010 02:47:34 PM 700 Views
I think it's morally wrong to walk away from credit card debt. *NM* - 13/10/2010 09:43:11 PM 375 Views
I'm curious how you reconcile that - 13/10/2010 09:47:59 PM 815 Views
Collateral - 19/10/2010 07:21:14 PM 1309 Views
I agree, what do you think is different? - 13/10/2010 09:59:36 PM 815 Views
I lost sleep over it, but I did it anyway. - 13/10/2010 05:24:19 AM 879 Views
OK what if you take it a step further - 13/10/2010 03:44:30 PM 826 Views
Good question - 14/10/2010 05:13:41 AM 847 Views
I have some questions about this issue. - 13/10/2010 08:14:37 AM 804 Views
how do those questions affect the morality of the situation? - 13/10/2010 03:20:14 PM 760 Views
Obviously, the essential difference is can't pay versus won't pay. - 13/10/2010 02:16:07 PM 767 Views
are you socializing your debt when it is a private bank? - 13/10/2010 03:14:48 PM 818 Views
You are when said bank requires a bailout. And very many of them do. - 13/10/2010 03:22:59 PM 774 Views
it is the home fault that the banks have to be bailed out - 13/10/2010 03:49:37 PM 835 Views
I believe it immoral to do harm. - 13/10/2010 04:38:28 PM 855 Views
I really don't understand a system where this could be an advantage. - 13/10/2010 11:16:57 PM 794 Views
There's generally something like a 7 or 10 year limit on credit reporting here. - 13/10/2010 11:46:58 PM 814 Views
What's the use of suing someone who has no money? *NM* - 13/10/2010 11:48:47 PM 434 Views
You can garnish their wages. - 13/10/2010 11:49:36 PM 773 Views
With parsley? - 13/10/2010 11:51:37 PM 859 Views
No, "someone" most certainly did not, wicked young Miss! Hmph! *NM* - 13/10/2010 11:52:40 PM 425 Views
If they suddenly come into some, you're entitled to it. *NM* - 14/10/2010 12:07:34 AM 501 Views
Bit of a long shot. *NM* - 14/10/2010 12:09:12 AM 351 Views
Very. Best to cover your bases though. *NM* - 14/10/2010 10:04:25 PM 370 Views
Not if the doctrine of election applies. - 14/10/2010 10:14:07 PM 762 Views
Are we not talking about credit companies going after people who owe them money? - 14/10/2010 10:18:47 PM 806 Views
Yeah, I guess we are. - 14/10/2010 10:28:40 PM 845 Views
Re: - 14/10/2010 03:09:18 AM 794 Views
I am currently in that situation... - 14/10/2010 05:03:23 AM 888 Views
Re: I am currently in that situation... - 14/10/2010 05:49:24 PM 1134 Views
it is easy for me and others to be glib when it is just a theory *NM* - 14/10/2010 08:19:16 PM 375 Views

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