Alright folks, boyfriend and I will soon be leaving for a short cruise through the Bahamas.
Neither one of us has ever been on a cruise before and while I know the basics, I'm looking for the insider scoop. You know, don't bring the turkey baster, but definitely bring your own snorkel so you don't get gangrene of the mouth, what're the Captain's Dinners like, how to make money off of shuffleboard, etc
Don't bring the turkey baster. Don't worry about snorkels--I'm practically a germaphobe and didn't mind renting one. The Captain's Dinner was formal, but not insanely formal. Avoid the shuffleboard, but if you want to have some fun for not too much money, learn Craps. I played for over an hour on $20 (at one point, I was up to about $250). Sit in the little lounges throughout the ship and listen to the live music. Get to the pool deck early on days you're out to sea--there's not much else to do, so it gets crowded.
I'm going on a boat! Cruise advice needed!
10/09/2009 04:49:39 PM
First - learn all the words to 'I'm on a Boat'
10/09/2009 04:59:38 PM
What about land excursions? Worth it? *NM*
10/09/2009 05:08:30 PM
Depends... how often do you want to be sold drugs by locals? *NM*
10/09/2009 05:14:34 PM
If you see a small, rotund, elaborately mustachioed Belgian boarding, DO NOT BOARD.
11/09/2009 10:07:14 AM
Our cruise was our favorite vacation so far...
13/09/2009 01:59:05 PM