Re: I'm a senior in Computer Science, and I've only got one real suggestion.
Maatteus Send a noteboard - 12/09/2009 11:18:14 PM
And it's more of a question, really. Are you naturally inclined to be techy? Have you experimented with some HTML, run a linux distribution or two, dabbled with some networking, skinned some programs, or anything else that the normal population hasn't done? If not, you need to get out of the major. It's a difficult one at most schools, but it's virtually impossible if you're not already a computer nerd, to some extent. Every year I see a few freshmen who aren't computer people think that it might be interesting to learn about computers, and enter the major. Every one has dropped out. It's just not the sort of major you can succeed in without some prior knowledge.
Assuming you ARE techy, though, and you know what you're getting into. . .congrats. No offense, but English is a pretty useless subject. Interesting, to be sure (I'm not trying to make English majors mad at me) but very few jobs are available, and the ones that are there don't pay much.
Congrats on the comp sci.
Assuming you ARE techy, though, and you know what you're getting into. . .congrats. No offense, but English is a pretty useless subject. Interesting, to be sure (I'm not trying to make English majors mad at me) but very few jobs are available, and the ones that are there don't pay much.
Congrats on the comp sci.

that seems like some very good advice, and luckily I'm already a huge computer geek so it seems like infound my niche. I actually already worked for the geek squad at one point (and never ever again) so i know my way around the computer, but he theoy gained in the degree will be nice.
And I agree English is pretty narrow, but I was in the faculty of education, pretty much ensured a teaching job starting at 35k and ending at 75, unless you move into principal territory. But I Still think inmade the right choice
So I just changed my major from Education (English) to Computer Science with a Minor in Business
12/09/2009 07:23:23 PM
That's the first time ever I've seen it abbreviated to COSC
12/09/2009 08:06:28 PM
its habit becuase my my uni, all course codes are 4 letters. *NM*
12/09/2009 08:55:01 PM
I'm a senior in Computer Science, and I've only got one real suggestion.
12/09/2009 11:01:32 PM
Re: I'm a senior in Computer Science, and I've only got one real suggestion.
12/09/2009 11:18:14 PM
Switch the major and the minor
13/09/2009 12:56:04 AM
Re: Switch the major and the minor
13/09/2009 01:06:29 AM
Not really...he has a good point. An incredibly heavy percentage of IT employees are outsourced
13/09/2009 01:11:35 AM