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So I just changed my major from Education (English) to Computer Science with a Minor in Business Maatteus Send a noteboard - 12/09/2009 07:23:23 PM
or: I've lurked nearly 10 years at the other site, might as well lurk here too!

SO I took the plunge on thursday and switched my major from a concurrent english and education degree, to a honours bach. in COSC with a minor in business. If there are any geeks or business-savy people who have any pointers I'd love to hear them! My courses as they stand are:

First Semester
MATH 1P12 - Linear Algebra I
MATH 1P66 - Mathematical Reasoning
MGMT 1P51 - Understanding Canadian Business
ACTG 1P91 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ENTR 2P51 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Second Semester
MATH 1P67 - Mathematics for Computer Science
MATH 1P98 - Basic Statistical Methods
COSC 1P02 - Introduction to Computer Science
COSC 1P03 - Data Structures and Abstraction

16 hours of class first semester, 21 2nd semester

I was going into my 3rd year as an education major. I could do the honours Cosc. Bachelors in 3 years - but im choosing to do the minor in business which will require another year.

Glad to see the new site looking so nice!
This message last edited by Maatteus on 12/09/2009 at 07:25:39 PM
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So I just changed my major from Education (English) to Computer Science with a Minor in Business - 12/09/2009 07:23:23 PM 506 Views
that's a pretty big leap. good luck *NM* - 12/09/2009 07:45:55 PM 158 Views
thanks! - 12/09/2009 08:56:08 PM 376 Views
That's the first time ever I've seen it abbreviated to COSC - 12/09/2009 08:06:28 PM 427 Views
its habit becuase my my uni, all course codes are 4 letters. *NM* - 12/09/2009 08:55:01 PM 164 Views
Not EVERYONE. My school uses CSC. - 12/09/2009 10:54:12 PM 387 Views
what do you hope to accomplish with the change? - 12/09/2009 08:06:46 PM 411 Views
Re: what do you hope to accomplish with the change? - 12/09/2009 08:54:31 PM 425 Views
I'm a senior in Computer Science, and I've only got one real suggestion. - 12/09/2009 11:01:32 PM 387 Views
Yeah well I'm an English Major and.... - 12/09/2009 11:29:44 PM 407 Views
Switch the major and the minor - 13/09/2009 12:56:04 AM 374 Views
Re: Switch the major and the minor - 13/09/2009 01:06:29 AM 402 Views
No it doesn't matter. - 13/09/2009 01:09:01 AM 371 Views

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