Active Users:549 Time:11/03/2025 04:26:50 AM
Actually, I did. And since everyone else told you you're wrong about that I didn't see any need Rebekah Send a noteboard - 12/08/2010 09:38:33 PM
... to add it to mine.

You said that I didn't want marriage for homosexuals. Which is not the case. If you choose to pretend that you answered me with something different, then that's up to you.

So, I shall quote you: "The line between discrimination and opinion is a very thin one. I don't see how you're not discriminating here since you've offered no reasoning for why gay's ought not be married and addressed none of my points. It was a lengthy post so I can sympathize with not reading it entirely. "

I did give you reasons for my religious opinion, which you ignored. I said that in my church, the homosexual act is against God's word. To expand upon that in a (possibly pointless, given your inability to read) attempt to help you understand: since homosexual sex is, in my church, against the Word of God, officiating a marriage of two homosexual people would be saying that the relationship is fine in the eyes of the church, that the church is happy with them having sex. My church is not happy with that, because (I can say this ad infinitum if you like) we believe it does not fit in with the rules that God has given us to live by in His Word. That is my church's rules, and people who don't like them don't have to be in that church. There's no requirement to be part of it. It's a choice. It's like belonging to a club.

Since living in a particular country isn't anywhere near as much of a choice, mostly being an accident of birth, governments should ensure there is a state provision of marriage to all people who wish to get married, as consenting adults.

But that does not extend to private clubs which have no state sanctioning, no public service factor, and no requirement to belong. It's not like having a job, which you need to make money to keep you alive. It's not like going to a doctor, which helps you stay healthy and alive (although that's a bit funny to be writing to an American), and it's not like public transport, which enables necessary movement from place to place. It's an extra, another of life's choices. It doesn't (necessarily) keep you alive, fed, healthy, etc. It's for personal enjoyment. And the state has no right to decide what goes on there, unless what does go on trangresses a person or their possession.


Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
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Gay Marriage - 12/08/2010 10:23:19 AM 1920 Views
I disagree on the latter part - 12/08/2010 12:04:15 PM 1285 Views
I follow your point... - 12/08/2010 12:14:17 PM 1266 Views
Suspect you would find plenty of denominations that would argue with you rather strenuously. - 12/08/2010 12:24:55 PM 1262 Views
See, that's what I'm saying... - 12/08/2010 07:37:26 PM 1226 Views
She didn't say that gays ought not be married. - 12/08/2010 07:45:37 PM 1101 Views
You didn't read my post. - 12/08/2010 09:10:21 PM 1139 Views
Actually, you didn't read my post - 12/08/2010 09:23:54 PM 1182 Views
Um, you're wrong. - 12/08/2010 09:37:13 PM 1177 Views
Re: Um, you're wrong. - 12/08/2010 09:44:17 PM 1148 Views
You're still wrong. - 12/08/2010 09:54:55 PM 1280 Views
Re: You're still wrong. - 12/08/2010 09:58:26 PM 1130 Views
Again, you are still wrong. - 12/08/2010 10:04:42 PM 1183 Views
Re: Again, you are still wrong. - 12/08/2010 10:17:13 PM 1028 Views
Wrong definition of "club" - 12/08/2010 10:30:52 PM 1286 Views
My clubs are cooler than yours. *NM* - 12/08/2010 10:35:13 PM 610 Views
I play golf with mine. *NM* - 12/08/2010 10:43:01 PM 627 Views
Re: Wrong definition of "club" - 12/08/2010 10:40:55 PM 1191 Views
Are you a member of one of those churches? - 12/08/2010 10:44:12 PM 1188 Views
Also also: - 12/08/2010 10:46:05 PM 1178 Views
Re: Are you a member of one of those churches? - 12/08/2010 10:49:44 PM 1123 Views
Re: Wrong definition of "club" - 12/08/2010 10:47:20 PM 1221 Views
I don't think he means that kind of club. - 12/08/2010 10:31:41 PM 1107 Views
Also - 12/08/2010 10:02:44 PM 1238 Views
And wrong again. - 12/08/2010 10:08:24 PM 1256 Views
Not so quick! - 12/08/2010 10:21:31 PM 1093 Views
Yes, so quick! - 12/08/2010 10:32:13 PM 1049 Views
Let's be reasonable here - 12/08/2010 10:41:53 PM 1156 Views
Why do you get to judge? - 12/08/2010 10:48:57 PM 1183 Views
I don't - 12/08/2010 10:53:21 PM 1067 Views
OK. - 12/08/2010 10:58:22 PM 1186 Views
Re: OK. - 12/08/2010 11:03:50 PM 1124 Views
Then please stop. - 12/08/2010 11:01:05 PM 1154 Views
What's wrong with discussion? - 12/08/2010 11:05:48 PM 1098 Views
Discussion? Nothing. Your assertions about other people's views, something. - 12/08/2010 11:09:48 PM 1119 Views
Really? - 12/08/2010 11:13:46 PM 1138 Views
Yes. That is incorrect. - 12/08/2010 11:18:05 PM 1119 Views
What, because the expressive message of scouting is anti-gay? - 12/08/2010 10:12:54 PM 1002 Views
Re: What, because the expressive message of scouting is anti-gay? - 12/08/2010 10:23:36 PM 1136 Views
Well then that brings us back to my question, which you have yet to answer. - 12/08/2010 10:36:48 PM 1095 Views
Re: Well then that brings us back to my question, which you have yet to answer. - 12/08/2010 10:46:22 PM 1210 Views
Apparently you do believe that you are more qualified - 12/08/2010 10:57:00 PM 1082 Views
You are wrong - 12/08/2010 11:11:37 PM 930 Views
Really? - 12/08/2010 11:19:10 PM 1009 Views
Not entirely true either... or, well, true as far as Brown goes. - 12/08/2010 10:08:42 PM 1110 Views
Heh... we discuss restaurants a post or two over there.. ---> - 12/08/2010 10:10:26 PM 1189 Views
Actually, I did. And since everyone else told you you're wrong about that I didn't see any need - 12/08/2010 09:38:33 PM 1178 Views
Re: Actually, I did. And since everyone else told you you're wrong about that I didn't see any need - 12/08/2010 09:55:05 PM 1109 Views
Gah. - 12/08/2010 09:59:45 PM 1052 Views
Yes yes yes. It was ungracious. I got bored. *NM* - 12/08/2010 10:03:17 PM 567 Views
What a mature response. - 12/08/2010 10:11:00 PM 1257 Views
Yes. - 12/08/2010 10:21:38 PM 1179 Views
Re: Yes. - 12/08/2010 10:35:51 PM 1135 Views
I can't speak for Rebekah, but I don't think the issue is that your points are invalid per se. - 12/08/2010 10:22:30 PM 1055 Views
I think my point was unclear in that post - 12/08/2010 10:55:34 PM 1145 Views
It seems that by your (to me nebulous) definition - 12/08/2010 11:05:01 PM 1161 Views
Re: I think my point was unclear in that post - 13/08/2010 10:58:28 AM 1064 Views
+1 - 13/08/2010 09:16:24 AM 941 Views
Hehe - 13/08/2010 10:46:25 AM 989 Views
Um - 12/08/2010 09:46:43 PM 1207 Views
That's a very good question. *NM* - 12/08/2010 09:49:05 PM 562 Views
So good it doesn't even need an answer, apparently *NM* - 12/08/2010 10:26:41 PM 597 Views
So good I responded to it someplace else. *NM* - 12/08/2010 10:56:05 PM 496 Views
It makes no sense - 12/08/2010 04:29:24 PM 1050 Views
Re: It makes no sense - 12/08/2010 07:39:25 PM 1131 Views
Re: It makes no sense - 12/08/2010 07:41:02 PM 1203 Views
It's not sanctioning anything - 12/08/2010 09:25:44 PM 1143 Views
Re: It's not sanctioning anything - 12/08/2010 09:28:45 PM 1119 Views
Nonsense - 12/08/2010 09:35:25 PM 1072 Views
Yes, but while marrying two murderers does not ensure that they will continue to murder... - 12/08/2010 09:08:53 PM 1036 Views
Re: Yes, but while marrying two murderers does not ensure that they will continue to murder... - 12/08/2010 09:42:21 PM 1158 Views
Suspect you've not read that either. - 12/08/2010 09:43:32 PM 1087 Views
What other church sanctioned circumstances encourage continued sin? - 12/08/2010 09:45:33 PM 1214 Views
Infant baptism, obviously. - 12/08/2010 09:51:48 PM 1198 Views
*NM* - 12/08/2010 09:53:17 PM 402 Views
*groan* I forgot that one! - 12/08/2010 10:09:07 PM 1167 Views
Re: What other church sanctioned circumstances encourage continued sin? - 13/08/2010 11:04:02 AM 1146 Views
Wow, it's almost like an entire denomination believes that! *NM* - 13/08/2010 03:41:07 PM 550 Views
really? - 13/08/2010 03:42:42 PM 1023 Views
- 13/08/2010 03:43:26 PM 951 Views
Yeah, that's the Roman Catholic basis against masturbation and contraception. *NM* - 13/08/2010 04:12:00 PM 532 Views
Yes - 13/08/2010 04:22:58 PM 995 Views
Which is interesting - 13/08/2010 04:28:09 PM 983 Views
Yes - 13/08/2010 04:29:25 PM 961 Views
Original poster. *NM* - 13/08/2010 04:32:18 PM 592 Views
- 13/08/2010 04:34:30 PM 1017 Views
Dude....please at least have a working knowledge of the Bible before you spout off. - 12/08/2010 10:47:13 PM 1029 Views
I like the part in 1 Corinthians (is it chapter 6?) - 12/08/2010 10:49:55 PM 930 Views
Ya know?!? - 12/08/2010 10:55:27 PM 1051 Views
I'm not sure you're correct there. - 12/08/2010 04:33:02 PM 1148 Views
Re: I'm not sure you're correct there. - 12/08/2010 07:40:16 PM 1164 Views
There is a difference... - 12/08/2010 09:02:20 PM 1196 Views
No you don't. - 12/08/2010 09:16:52 PM 1171 Views
That's another concern - 12/08/2010 12:39:53 PM 1228 Views
Not quite my point - 12/08/2010 09:19:50 PM 1102 Views
secular marriage is decoupled from religious marriage - 12/08/2010 02:50:43 PM 1227 Views
Simple, require the legal and religious marriage to be performed separately. - 12/08/2010 02:58:43 PM 1059 Views
What in the world would that accomplish? - 12/08/2010 03:44:32 PM 1151 Views
Provide some much-needed clarity, evidently. - 12/08/2010 03:49:33 PM 988 Views
the problem is it would be changing a centuries old tradition.. - 12/08/2010 04:26:47 PM 1009 Views
heheheheheheheHAHAHAHEHEHehehehehahheeh*cough* - 12/08/2010 04:55:09 PM 1019 Views
thats OK I am sure you will get over it - 12/08/2010 05:22:08 PM 1044 Views
Just guessing, but I think it was the "centuries old tradition" that set off the giggle fit. - 12/08/2010 07:25:38 PM 1172 Views
Really? I was hoping for something better - 12/08/2010 10:06:00 PM 1108 Views
So government recognition makes your religion meaningful? - 12/08/2010 10:11:54 PM 1189 Views
not my religion I'm agnostic - 12/08/2010 10:34:40 PM 1056 Views
OK, but the point remains the same. - 12/08/2010 10:51:59 PM 1155 Views
Of course it would - 12/08/2010 11:10:03 PM 1240 Views
I'm not far left, thank you very much. *NM* - 12/08/2010 10:20:31 PM 614 Views
no but your are European and that slants your views *NM* - 12/08/2010 10:36:01 PM 606 Views
Sure, but in this case it has little to do with left or right. - 12/08/2010 10:40:42 PM 1123 Views
that is what I said when I metioned you were European *NM* - 12/08/2010 11:11:31 PM 610 Views
Simples - 12/08/2010 09:30:31 PM 1125 Views
there are about 140 post ranging from boyscouts to infant babtism - 12/08/2010 10:57:46 PM 1098 Views
So. - 14/08/2010 01:27:59 AM 980 Views
sorry I responded I forgot what a tool you are. my bad - 14/08/2010 02:48:57 AM 1485 Views
Agreed *NM* - 12/08/2010 03:45:04 PM 490 Views
I love you, Camilla - 12/08/2010 04:02:15 PM 924 Views
Re: I love you, Camilla - 12/08/2010 04:04:10 PM 1121 Views
Is there an all above option? *NM* - 12/08/2010 04:23:24 PM 635 Views
Naturally. - 12/08/2010 04:25:14 PM 1112 Views
I know I do *NM* - 12/08/2010 05:17:35 PM 569 Views
Another thing - 12/08/2010 07:42:21 PM 1210 Views
A couple of things - 12/08/2010 12:58:09 PM 1107 Views
I disagree - 12/08/2010 07:47:26 PM 1208 Views
Well, you're within your rights to certainly - 12/08/2010 08:24:30 PM 1197 Views
there is major flaw in your argument - 12/08/2010 03:31:45 PM 1233 Views
Re: there is major flaw in your argument - 12/08/2010 04:01:32 PM 1121 Views
I should clarify that I support gay marriage - 12/08/2010 05:20:36 PM 1058 Views
One point about Prop. 8 - 12/08/2010 07:38:55 PM 1067 Views
I know that is the commonl;y held belief but I thinkit is wrong - 12/08/2010 10:32:58 PM 1020 Views
Religious institutions, though, pushed hard to pass it. - 12/08/2010 10:42:33 PM 1108 Views
there are major flaws in your argument - 12/08/2010 07:51:52 PM 1194 Views
Women can't be priests in the Catholic church. - 12/08/2010 08:00:24 PM 882 Views
Hehe. You beat me by 6 seconds. *NM* - 12/08/2010 08:03:28 PM 524 Views
Great minds and all. *NM* - 12/08/2010 08:06:01 PM 525 Views
I was writing a reply to this post... - 12/08/2010 03:51:01 PM 1129 Views
I feel your pain *NM* - 12/08/2010 07:52:28 PM 614 Views
Forcing religious institutions to marry gay couples is hideously unconstitutional. - 12/08/2010 04:18:59 PM 1195 Views
100% agreed. - 12/08/2010 05:05:35 PM 1205 Views
This. *NM* - 12/08/2010 07:36:57 PM 449 Views
You are absolutely wrong - 12/08/2010 07:57:19 PM 1138 Views
By that token - 12/08/2010 08:00:30 PM 1027 Views
My God.... - 12/08/2010 09:49:18 PM 1092 Views
no You are absolutely wrong - 12/08/2010 10:08:57 PM 1040 Views
Well, that was horrifyingly stupid. - 13/08/2010 12:57:46 AM 1110 Views
I am a Christian who wholeheartedly supports Gay Marriage. - 12/08/2010 06:49:28 PM 1219 Views
Fair enough. - 12/08/2010 08:01:37 PM 1165 Views
Why do people equate.... - 12/08/2010 07:11:15 PM 1068 Views
Because "homophobic", like "xenophobic", has shifted a bit in meaning... - 12/08/2010 07:33:56 PM 1141 Views
So then.... - 12/08/2010 07:39:24 PM 1066 Views
Well, strongly anti-gay, yes. - 12/08/2010 07:43:40 PM 920 Views
Homophobic is generally "anti-gay" or "anti-queer"... - 12/08/2010 07:46:22 PM 1224 Views
Re: Why do people equate.... - 12/08/2010 08:04:24 PM 1209 Views
+1 - 12/08/2010 08:06:19 PM 1248 Views
Stop with the pile on Camilla. - 12/08/2010 09:22:35 PM 1171 Views
You would have said nothing if I had just said "agreed" - 12/08/2010 09:27:33 PM 1000 Views
Which speaks highly of you.... - 12/08/2010 09:36:30 PM 1179 Views
This is being very petty. *NM* - 12/08/2010 09:41:26 PM 576 Views
As opposed to a snarky +1 comment? *NM* - 12/08/2010 09:45:02 PM 591 Views
It's not snarky. - 12/08/2010 09:47:47 PM 1114 Views
Its a +1 shorthand comment... - 12/08/2010 09:52:04 PM 1396 Views
Wow. Those two characters allowed you to read Camilla's motivations? - 12/08/2010 09:54:25 PM 1026 Views
*shrug* - 12/08/2010 09:58:42 PM 1231 Views
Yes, I am terribly selfish - 13/08/2010 09:10:54 AM 1030 Views
Re: Why do people equate.... - 12/08/2010 09:13:07 PM 1214 Views
Re: Why do people equate.... - 12/08/2010 09:26:41 PM 1121 Views
LOL - 12/08/2010 09:42:32 PM 1082 Views
Re: LOL - 13/08/2010 09:12:29 AM 1037 Views
you are exactly why the state needs to make a clear seperation between the secular and religious - 12/08/2010 09:33:22 PM 1086 Views
Ok, so if the state does then... - 12/08/2010 09:44:31 PM 1023 Views
No, marriage started because of property. - 12/08/2010 09:59:14 PM 1117 Views
So then two things come to mind... - 12/08/2010 10:04:39 PM 1098 Views
Only two? - 12/08/2010 10:27:08 PM 1093 Views
Is this the same guy... - 12/08/2010 10:43:02 PM 1004 Views
I thought the cow died in an accident, but yes... that guy. - 12/08/2010 10:58:46 PM 1084 Views
That's a little difficult to do - 13/08/2010 03:19:32 PM 1261 Views
Re: That's a little difficult to do - 13/08/2010 03:30:14 PM 1130 Views
Oh, I hope not - 13/08/2010 04:19:47 PM 1138 Views
I may be wrong - 13/08/2010 04:24:28 PM 1081 Views
Property isn't just agricultural. - 13/08/2010 06:11:12 PM 1017 Views
True enough - 16/08/2010 03:12:31 PM 1317 Views
yes but about half of the old testament deals with protecting those rights - 13/08/2010 05:16:09 PM 1093 Views
The relationship between religion and rain go even farther back... - 13/08/2010 06:15:32 PM 1079 Views
to me it is a beside the point when it comes to the law - 13/08/2010 06:25:50 PM 1088 Views
moot, not mute - 13/08/2010 08:48:04 PM 1341 Views
damn - 13/08/2010 08:52:23 PM 1169 Views
Actually, I agree with that - 12/08/2010 10:01:37 PM 985 Views
See, now this, I could deal with.... - 12/08/2010 10:06:15 PM 978 Views
So is it that you are hung up on the name then? - 13/08/2010 03:29:02 PM 1047 Views
Rights.... - 12/08/2010 09:34:45 PM 1058 Views
See, what I don't get is why gay people care about - 12/08/2010 08:18:45 PM 1085 Views
It's mostly about getting married in the eyes of the state. - 12/08/2010 08:42:52 PM 1202 Views
I'm fairly sure Jonte was referring only to the "churches have to accept gay marriages" bit. *NM* - 12/08/2010 08:44:52 PM 627 Views
Hmmm... Then I shall reply to that part here. - 12/08/2010 08:50:10 PM 1215 Views
Oh, so it is an american thing, then. *NM* - 14/08/2010 08:58:28 AM 568 Views
Starting again - 12/08/2010 08:23:08 PM 1187 Views
Not at all - 12/08/2010 10:58:45 PM 1116 Views
Re: Not at all - 13/08/2010 09:14:48 AM 901 Views
Agreed *NM* - 13/08/2010 10:21:06 AM 464 Views
Oh dear - 13/08/2010 10:30:45 AM 1013 Views
But what if I like being selfish and evil? *NM* - 13/08/2010 11:25:01 AM 592 Views
Well, being English might help you get away with it - 13/08/2010 11:26:17 AM 903 Views
I'm curious - 13/08/2010 01:49:15 PM 1069 Views
- 13/08/2010 01:54:19 PM 949 Views
Okay, good. - 13/08/2010 01:58:14 PM 1130 Views
I suppose you also think that religious Pacifists should be eligible for the draft? - 12/08/2010 08:42:21 PM 1161 Views
very nicely said *NM* - 13/08/2010 02:16:53 PM 477 Views

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