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What should have been included Tavi Send a noteboard - 30/07/2010 04:33:18 AM
Hrmm ... what do you think?

I can see if they're using this list as technologies that were recently developed that changed our modern lifestyle. But if this list is meant to say that these technologies had the greatest impact on our lives, I would have to disagree.

The list should have definitely included the printing press. Without that, education would still be limited to the upper class, and the written word as we know it would still be limited to religious texts.

And on a funny/serious note: fire? The wheel? Tool development/use? Those have had a pretty major impact that's still ongoing even today.

so, while the list makes good points about recent technologies that have really impacted our lives, it's nothing compared to the impact other things have had.
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12 Technologies that changed everything. - 29/07/2010 11:29:40 PM 546 Views
What should have been included - 30/07/2010 04:33:18 AM 615 Views
hard to take that list seriously when it has itunes on it - 30/07/2010 06:33:02 AM 394 Views
Bwa ha ha ha, good point. *NM* - 30/07/2010 06:10:10 PM 165 Views
...for people who do nothing except use computers. *NM* - 01/08/2010 03:09:45 AM 173 Views

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