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Nerds! everynametaken Send a noteboard - 17/06/2010 12:19:57 AM
The EM and strong forces have no Higgs couplings, as their carrier particles (photons and gluons) are massless. There's no proposal of any Higgs with a color charge as far as I'm aware, and definitely not in a SUSY model.

Ah, I see. So are you saying that the Higgs 'clings' to the bosons of a force (in our case, the Weak)? I suppose if it only couples to the Weak, there would certainly be no colour charge.

One Higgs doublet is actually four particles, three of which get "eaten" by the W+, W-, and Z bosons to generate their masses. (In technical terms, they're Goldstone bosons which provide the longitudinal polarization component; compare with the photon, which is massless and has no longitudinal polarization.) The fourth is what we generally think of as the actual "Higgs boson." If there were two doublets, that pattern would be repeated, so in addition to h, we'd have H+, H-, H, and A. (The A is a bit confusing given that A is usually used for photons in electroweak unification, but that's the convention.)

I'm slightly confused by what you're trying to say here; I follow what you say about the W and Z bosons and then about the actual "Higgs boson", but that only accounts for four Higgs particles. Where does the fifth come in to play?

I'm at Fermilab this summer (working on CMS, though) and there is definitely a sense of rivalry. The Tevatron can no longer claim the highest energy, but this has just shifted everyone's bragging to focus on luminosity, where it still dominates.

I've always been disappointed that my undergrad was completely missing a particle module. I'm finishing my masters now and I kind of crammed as much particle physics as I could into the year, so I think my knowledge in this area is rushed at best! :P
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
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US experiment hints at 'multiple God particles' - 15/06/2010 04:04:14 AM 726 Views
- 15/06/2010 04:11:11 AM 368 Views
this has always bothered me about particle physicists.... - 15/06/2010 05:32:26 AM 377 Views
Down with particle-of-the-gaps thinking! - 15/06/2010 05:38:20 AM 378 Views
Yeah, always been my problem, too. - 15/06/2010 05:44:30 AM 321 Views
Lederman wanted to call it "the goddamn particle," but the publisher wouldn't let him. - 15/06/2010 06:26:56 AM 342 Views
Well, we've been pretty bad at name stuff - 15/06/2010 08:52:09 AM 349 Views
"Giant radiating dyke swarms"?!!! - 15/06/2010 05:57:11 PM 345 Views
Oh, yes, and it's often accompanied by Dickite - 15/06/2010 06:18:35 PM 335 Views
This I can believe. - 15/06/2010 06:02:37 PM 285 Views
It's more than a few right answers. - 15/06/2010 06:26:35 AM 468 Views
As a physicist... - 15/06/2010 06:13:01 AM 462 Views
Cool. - 16/06/2010 01:01:34 PM 384 Views
I feel ya! *NM* - 17/06/2010 12:18:30 AM 220 Views
As a physicist, I find this quite interesting. - 16/06/2010 09:08:15 PM 467 Views
Not quite. - 16/06/2010 09:57:18 PM 453 Views
Re: Not quite. - 16/06/2010 10:22:14 PM 459 Views
Nerds! - 17/06/2010 12:19:57 AM 289 Views
Re: Not quite. - 17/06/2010 12:45:06 AM 516 Views
Re: Not quite. - 17/06/2010 08:23:10 AM 447 Views
Eight minus three is five - 17/06/2010 09:19:46 AM 267 Views

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