Double Escaping in user signatures
Reported by: Monkey
Type: Bug
Status: Complete
Created: 30/08/2009 12:10:13 PM
Things like < or > or & are doing screwy things in people's sigs. Check out ironclad's for example
I have the same problem.
The apostrophes are turning into nasty code, and it means that when I edit anything else in my profile, I have to turn them back into apostrophes before I can submit because otherwise it says my sig is too long.
Re: Double Escaping in user signatures
Things like < or > or & are doing screwy things in people's sigs. Check out ironclad's for example
Didn't see this when I made my Bug ticket. It's about the same thing but for '
Things like < or > or & are doing screwy things in people's sigs. Check out ironclad's for example
You'll need to go back into your signature and fix it manually first, but after that it won't break again.