Neither of those factors is very conducive to me retaining more than a vague memory of what it was about... do you figure it's worth rereading and reading the other books in the series?
I have to say I've almost completely lost track of fantasy - I'll probably read the next book in Martin's, Rothfuss' and Lynch's respective series when they come out, but that's about it. Never even started on Sanderson, and I can't say I'm very tempted to start...
I am however currently reading and very much impressed by an extremely non-recent release: the Gormenghast trilogy. The first book is rather remarkable in almost entirely lacking a conventional plot, or at least a conventional plot arch, while still being captivating from the first page to the last, I thought. Only just started the second book, and I've no idea where the story is heading next.
And then I bought two books recently, also not recent releases but perhaps of interest to you - Bolaño's "El Tercer Reich", and Almudena Grandes' "Ines y la Alegria". Not sure if I ever discussed Grandes with you, I rather enjoyed her 'Corazon Helado' when reading it a few years ago.