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UGH. Rebekah Send a noteboard - 22/02/2016 02:37:25 PM

View original postSince there seems to be a new tv show based on the series, and I didn't really remember all that much about the books... of course, that might have been a good thing... whatever. Still plenty entertaining, even though every character in the book is a self absorbed whiny little excuse for a person. Reminds me of my students

There is?

I hated every single character and wanted them all to die.


Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
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Happy 2016! What are you reading in January and February? - 01/01/2016 03:04:47 PM 1416 Views
As soon as it comes out... - 03/01/2016 09:33:29 AM 1056 Views
I've decided that 2016 is the year that I make a sizeable dent in the classics - 04/01/2016 02:09:57 PM 1111 Views
I would start with Mansfield Park as it's the most boring. - 05/01/2016 03:38:00 PM 1043 Views
Thanks for the advice. - 05/01/2016 03:56:02 PM 943 Views
Seconded. Every likeable character in Mansfield Park is, apparently, considered a villain. - 05/01/2016 06:29:45 PM 988 Views
Persuasion is the best. - 05/01/2016 09:30:15 PM 1048 Views
Interesting. Care to elaborate? - 05/01/2016 10:14:28 PM 1071 Views
I think it's mostly the relationships. - 10/01/2016 08:44:38 PM 940 Views
Hmm. I have to disagree with you. - 06/01/2016 07:21:57 AM 1022 Views
Re: Hmm. I have to disagree with you. - 10/01/2016 08:45:29 PM 1176 Views
Have decided to take a break from First Man In Rome. - 23/01/2016 11:48:53 AM 1147 Views
Still on a break. Now on Jim Butcher - The Aeronaut's Windlass. - 11/02/2016 02:31:02 PM 1201 Views
I am now reading a parenting book since my children are feral. - 22/02/2016 02:38:14 PM 1256 Views
I reread 'the magicians' - 18/02/2016 04:57:56 PM 976 Views
UGH. - 22/02/2016 02:37:25 PM 1311 Views
Fantasy rereads, for a change - feeling nostalgic, I guess. - 23/02/2016 08:17:45 PM 1171 Views
Re: Fantasy rereads, for a change - feeling nostalgic, I guess. - 24/02/2016 01:42:39 PM 1177 Views
It wasn't exactly a major plot point or anything. But it was ugly. - 24/02/2016 08:43:04 PM 1269 Views
Merill? Merith? Something like that? - 25/02/2016 07:45:18 PM 1388 Views
I'm re reading JSA Corey'sThe Expanse - 25/02/2016 05:51:16 PM 1346 Views

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