I finished Tocqueville last month, so I'm happy about that. I've also been working on my Old English and reading short poems and what not in Old English. Aside from that I still plan on finishing the history of Ireland that I started last year and set aside.
My big project for the summer, though, is to read something long in Middle High German. I think it will probably be Iwein since I have a parallel Mittlelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch version that is good, though I was thinking perhaps I should read Gregorius instead and then read the modern German Der Erwählte by Thomas Mann, which is a retelling of Gregorius.
I expect I will finish the Decameron in June, too. I read a few stories and then put it down again because I read it not too long ago in English. The Italian is much better, though. It has a lively feel to it and the language is varied according to status very well.
I'm currently, among several other reading and school projects, reading Tolkien's prose translation (or rather, his working notes translation) alongside Heaney's and a couple other verse translations. Curious to know what your thoughts are on the poem and its various translators in recent years.
Je suis méchant.