Despite having wildly loved Way of Kings, I'm having a hard time with Words of Radiance. My biggest problem thus far, is the dialogue. I feel as though Sanderson has completely overhauled how his characters talk and interact, and as such, I get the same feel as I did when I read the last three WoT books; as though a fan who hadn't paid much attention had written it.
All the "um"s and "yeah"s are completely unaligned with the WoK and if I read "old Gavilar" one more time, I might give up. Syl, Kaladin and Adolin are the furthest off for me, but I've seen signs if it in pretty much every major character so far. The story (to the point I'm at) is still great, but it just doesn't have the feel of the first one.
Maybe this is a nitpick, and maybe, for me, Way of Kings set the bar too high, but I'd rather have had a shorter book with the characters I know than Words of Fanfiction.