I read it in English a few years ago and have to correct that horrible error of judgment. If I actually go ahead and read Monte-Cristo in French, as well as Homer and Virgil, then I think I can say I haven't read anything in translation that I didn't go back and read in the original (at least, in languages that I read). I actually got about a third of the way through the Aeneid about 10 years ago but I need to start over if I decide to do it now.
I wish I had fluency in Homeric Greek (I can make out certain words and phrases, but that's it), as it would be neat to be able to do a comparison of the similes and metaphors used in those works and compare them with those used by Vergil. And then, if I were truly insane, I'd then look at the Orlando poems and compare their use of heroic metaphors with those of the ancient masters. But I do have a life...somewhere.
Je suis méchant.