I'm not sure if I spelled the last name right. Either way, he's an ancestor of mine and was an intepreter for Samuel de Champlain.
Not yet (I barely reach 160 but he does mention the name of the interpreters when they're known - and whatever details he found out about them, so I'll let you know if I see the name or something close. To this point he had the sons of a sagamore from Tadoussac as interpreters, and a husband-wife from two tribes near Maine-New Brunswick and the son of another sagamore from the mixed Indian-French settlement at Port-Royal. The rest is done for now by the sons some of the French leaders, who went to live with the Mikmaks to learn the language (a Montagnais/innu dialect). Champlain's not yet travelled much (so to speak). He's explored the coasts of Maine and down the Kennebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the St-Laurent down to Trois-Rivières only, and the Saguenay river. He's got no contact with the Iroquois or Hurons yet, nor with any of the tribes further inland. Do you remember what tribe your ancestor was from?