Well, except the shark. That shark had it made.
There's definitely revenge tragedy going on. Barsavi and his family came to a horrible, brutal end, which makes you want to feel bad for them, but Barsavi did horrible things in his turn in order to get where he was. If Raza had been able to pull of his plan without leaving any of Locke's gang alive, he might have ended the whole cycle of revenge, in a way. A terrible way, given what he's planning for the nobility, but still. As it is, now revenge gets to perpretrate itself another time, because Locke and Jean have a score to settle.
I fell originally for the idea that Raza only wanted to get his revenge and take Barsavi's place. I should have realized that would never work. Eventually the bondsmage would have to leave, and then, protected by his sisters or not, the Right People of Camorr would have turned on him.
I don't know if it was in these chapters or not, but at some point there's a mention that one of the books Jean reads has dragons in it. This mention of Jean reading books that have dragons is repeated in Red Seas. Now, my instict is to say that Lynch is running things non-traditionally enough that we will never see dragons in his series, and that the reference is meant to highlight that. But ... something used to be around that could damage elderglass, evidenced by that one damaged tower in the city, so it makes me wonder.
(Whatever it is, it's probably not dragons, but I can't wait until we see it.)
Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog