Active Users:607 Time:11/03/2025 04:56:35 AM A Deathwatch Guard Send a noteboard - 17/04/2012 07:09:38 AM
Um, I'm not sure that's an accurate picture. I'm talking about normal books that one might find in any super store or convenience store. Books that somehow make it big.

I think what I said still covers it, with the addition of a children's category. I dunno, I don't frequent regular stores very often, and when I do the book section is a place I tend to avoid. But if I remember correctly there are children's books, and the standard cooking/politics/how-to books that are so popular on amazon's bestseller list. They probably wouldn't have the specific popular books like Hunger Games and whatnot, however.

But like I said, ordinary stores are the last place I'd look for books, and I wouldn't buy them from there unless I spotted something spectacular. For the most part it's just really mediocre (at best) stuff, and at worst garbage. And if that's what you meant by mainstream then my opinion of mainstream is even worse than I previously suspected. :P
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Due to a recent discovery, I have a question to ask. - 14/04/2012 03:15:57 PM 1085 Views
Not really, but I used to be quite keen on Wilbur Smith's Egyptian novels. - 14/04/2012 04:43:22 PM 714 Views
You might like this Rollins fella then. *NM* - 16/04/2012 09:07:02 PM 335 Views
Unless you count John Irving as such... - 14/04/2012 09:39:39 PM 824 Views
Maybe I do? - 16/04/2012 09:07:47 PM 818 Views
That genre is harder to define than you'd think. - 14/04/2012 11:54:32 PM 764 Views
Re: That genre is harder to define than you'd think. - 15/04/2012 05:58:17 PM 999 Views
Wellll, I wouldn't call it a "genre," exactly. - 16/04/2012 09:09:32 PM 711 Views
From the impression I gather from amazon... - 15/04/2012 12:04:47 AM 734 Views
Re: From the impression I gather from amazon... - 16/04/2012 09:20:19 PM 711 Views - 17/04/2012 07:09:38 AM 829 Views
Um, Dan Brown counts right? - 15/04/2012 12:47:47 AM 720 Views
Yes. - 16/04/2012 09:13:42 PM 735 Views
You mean those things hoi polloi read? - 16/04/2012 06:49:31 PM 778 Views
I don't think you did your redneck slang right. - 16/04/2012 09:12:31 PM 784 Views
Wouldn't Harry Potter count? *NM* - 17/04/2012 10:21:43 AM 320 Views
Especially on vacations. - 17/04/2012 01:03:31 PM 817 Views

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