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Re: And here was me thinking nobody could be any slower than Murakami's English translators... Legolas Send a noteboard - 19/10/2011 08:18:06 PM
It's a very good place to start. It's very accessible, and the story itself is very absorbing. Some of his earlier novels are more an acquired taste, this one really grabs you fast (by the first chapter you can tell you're in for quite a ride: the woman, dressed like a business woman in a short skirt and with high heels is caught in a cab on the highway in a traffic jam. She recognizes after a few seconds an obscure classical piece on the radio she's pretty sure she used to know nothing about. The conversation with the driver gets weirder and weirder. She needs to be downtown for an appointment soon, he tells her she needs to get out, take the earthquake emergency staircase (which is fenced - it's forbidden to use it) and go down it pfttt. a very long way, in high wind, to reach the other highway below and take the train to downtown. He tells her than when someone does something like this, she shouldn't be surprised if it feels like she's in a new world afterward.. Weird. So there she goes, and to climb the fence this proper-looking japanese businesswoman (with the unfortunate name of Green Bean, ie: Aomame in Japanese) removes her shoes, lifts her skirt up her hips - deciding to totally ignore all the people in the cars around watching her, and she goes down... And with Murakami, you can really see all this happening before your eyes (he has a peculiar style of description, very light and economical, but very evocative). And that's really just how it begins - you get hooked really fast )

Sounds good. I'll try to pick it up somewhere, maybe in Dutch so as not to forget my own native language. :P Which reminds me I still need to read the rest of Mishima's Sea of Fertility (in English, those).
It's the Dutch translation that came out so early again? It's kind of usual, no? I suspect it's got to do with the fact many Dutch readers won't wait and pick it up in another language they can read if it's not coming out early enough in Dutch. This isn't too frequent in France, but it happens a lot in Québec (enough so that if the French publisher dithers too long to release the translation, the French bookstores here will end up offering the book in English in fear they'll lose those sales to the English bookstores).

It probably does, yes. Though that doesn't really explain why they'd be fast in translating from Japanese - that is not exactly a language our reading audience will switch to if they get impatient...

Do you have so many unilingual bookstores still in Québec? You'd expect most to have both French and English books anyway, albeit with a marked preference for one or the other.
The French translation came out only a few months ago (mid summer) and the last book is announced for March. Two years is a very long time for a Murakami to show up in France (they usually get translated about six to 9 months after the Japanese release). I bet this has something to do with the fact his French publishing deals were renegotiated in 2010 and Belfond released new, slighty revised editions (by the same translator) who did IQ84) of several of his older novels through 2010 and 2011. So I guess she was busy. IQ84 took people a bit by surprise too. I have no idea how the third one stands (but it sounds like the second book offers some sort of ending), but I know no one knew after the second one came out that there was a third one coming. It appeared all of a sudden in Japan, without much prior publicity (and in interviews Murakami is not ruling out a fourth book with the same duo of characters might eventually come out).

Makes sense, yes.
There was some sort of a FU with the English translation. When they saw the massive success of the books in Japan (it's the all time best selling Japanese novel) and the demand for it in the US, the publishers had the two different translators who had translated some of his novels in English before work in parralel to speed things up (they took each one of two POV characters, as I understand). They ended up with various discrepancies and needed to wait for Murakami (who lived in the US for many years) to be available to help them revise their respective work and smooth it all out. It's really not so surprising when you read the books, they are full of subtle details that need to match between the two storylines. That's why it got delayed.

Interesting. So they tried to speed it up and it came back to bite them in the ass... but then they wouldn't have that risk of people switching to other languages any more than the French publishers do, or indeed even less.
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It's October. Only three months left this year. What are your reading plans? - 03/10/2011 08:31:28 AM 1177 Views
It's still all about Dickens - 03/10/2011 11:22:43 AM 847 Views
I accidentally read Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, or most of it, yesterday - 10/10/2011 03:56:00 PM 772 Views
I love the "accidentally". *NM* - 10/10/2011 10:43:36 PM 306 Views
Pratchett! - 15/10/2011 03:38:44 PM 648 Views
Yes. - 16/10/2011 03:29:00 PM 718 Views
Would one of you lovely people please write a review? - 17/10/2011 06:33:35 PM 696 Views
Re: Would one of you lovely people please write a review? - 17/10/2011 07:27:33 PM 792 Views
Might write one tomorrow evening or maybe Saturday. *NM* - 20/10/2011 02:32:33 PM 328 Views
I promise to comment *NM* - 20/10/2011 06:21:42 PM 338 Views
Perfect. *NM* - 20/10/2011 06:37:24 PM 333 Views
Did I miss it? *NM* - 31/10/2011 12:22:45 PM 350 Views
Didn't get around to writing it yet. - 01/11/2011 03:02:11 AM 598 Views
And I finally finished the Western book - 16/10/2011 08:34:21 PM 759 Views
I read The History of Rasselas by Samuel Johnson - 24/10/2011 01:02:59 PM 600 Views
I read Marvel 1602 (Neil Gaiman) - 31/10/2011 12:22:29 PM 693 Views
I got my hands on copies of it the other day - 01/11/2011 03:04:45 AM 664 Views
I don't think mine have even changed in a month. - 03/10/2011 03:18:41 PM 765 Views
Taoism, mostly. - 03/10/2011 05:27:15 PM 691 Views
Eh, what is this reading you speak of? - 06/10/2011 01:01:18 PM 629 Views
Read Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino on the train yesterday. - 08/10/2011 05:03:09 PM 785 Views
Re: Read Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino on the train yesterday. - 10/10/2011 03:56:27 PM 768 Views
It is. *NM* - 10/10/2011 05:10:35 PM 330 Views
Read Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. - 10/10/2011 05:11:34 PM 719 Views
Tons of things I want to read, but no time. - 08/10/2011 03:11:46 PM 718 Views
I'm reading A Farewell to Arms, very slowly - 10/10/2011 04:36:53 PM 684 Views
Just vague plans this month. - 10/10/2011 06:38:27 PM 786 Views
Re: Just vague plans this month. - 17/10/2011 08:38:38 AM 715 Views
Re: Just vague plans this month. - 17/10/2011 06:34:35 PM 736 Views
I did the challenge. - 16/10/2011 02:06:37 PM 830 Views
No plan but... - 18/10/2011 01:55:41 AM 940 Views
And here was me thinking nobody could be any slower than Murakami's English translators... - 18/10/2011 07:06:56 PM 716 Views
Re: And here was me thinking nobody could be any slower than Murakami's English translators... - 19/10/2011 02:15:03 AM 824 Views
Re: And here was me thinking nobody could be any slower than Murakami's English translators... - 19/10/2011 08:18:06 PM 830 Views
I'm over the reading block. - 18/10/2011 10:35:10 PM 791 Views
Listening to Wicked by Gregory Maguire. - 22/10/2011 05:23:18 PM 762 Views

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