Active Users:1448 Time:19/12/2024 09:16:47 AM
I'm uncertain about that Larry Send a noteboard - 01/08/2011 05:35:18 AM
Considering that the star emblem was a reference to the Dallas Cowboys in that bet that Pat and Martin had all those years ago :P
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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A Dance with Dragons discussion thread - 11/07/2011 10:48:23 PM 6254 Views
Okay, first impressions. Basically spoiler-free, I suppose. - 11/07/2011 11:40:31 PM 1794 Views
I have it! *NM* - 12/07/2011 05:42:27 AM 974 Views
A general question to get the discussion started: will two more books be enough? - 12/07/2011 02:22:52 PM 2003 Views
A very good question *major spoilers, then* - 12/07/2011 02:55:05 PM 1984 Views
Oh, come on. If anyone can do it, Martin can. - 15/07/2011 03:48:27 AM 1672 Views
It'll be tight. - 12/07/2011 04:32:39 PM 1976 Views
No but I think 3 will be possible - 26/07/2011 03:15:02 AM 1804 Views
what is Purple Wedding? *NM* - 27/07/2011 08:37:04 AM 861 Views
Joffrey and Margaery wedding - 27/07/2011 04:26:04 PM 1833 Views
Hero of the book? - 12/07/2011 10:12:02 PM 2111 Views
Lord Manderly gets my vote. - 12/07/2011 10:41:19 PM 1922 Views
Re: Hero of the book? - 12/07/2011 10:43:20 PM 1800 Views
Re: Hero of the book? - 12/07/2011 11:50:29 PM 1794 Views
Ohh, so that was what that was about. - 17/07/2011 07:08:19 PM 1817 Views
That's what I thought too. - 25/07/2011 01:48:50 AM 1838 Views
Victorian Greyjoy = Hero of the book *NM* - 21/07/2011 06:20:25 AM 1017 Views
Asshole of the book? - 12/07/2011 10:46:10 PM 1993 Views
Agreed. - 12/07/2011 11:18:07 PM 1939 Views
Yeah, little doubt there. - 17/07/2011 07:09:53 PM 1783 Views
Seriously... - 18/07/2011 03:07:47 AM 1753 Views
Daenerys Targaryen & lifetime achievement award to Lord Rickard Stark - 17/08/2011 12:38:40 AM 1699 Views
Idiot of the book. - 12/07/2011 11:21:51 PM 2039 Views
lol yep, definitely *NM* - 13/07/2011 08:12:42 AM 961 Views
Re: Idiot of the book. - 17/07/2011 12:42:20 AM 1874 Views
Wait... no she doesn't! - 17/07/2011 01:29:52 AM 1800 Views
She thinks both - 18/07/2011 12:22:59 AM 1719 Views
So... - 17/07/2011 07:18:24 PM 1753 Views
No, it's him. - 18/07/2011 12:25:33 AM 1744 Views
Is there any hot sex scenes? I won't be able to read it for a while *NM* - 13/07/2011 02:35:49 PM 1053 Views
One or two, but not all that long ones *NM* - 13/07/2011 02:57:12 PM 1010 Views
Great Ending - 14/07/2011 01:21:53 AM 2039 Views
Really? - 14/07/2011 09:36:01 AM 1958 Views
Re: Really? - 14/07/2011 09:38:34 AM 1645 Views
Re: Great Ending - 18/07/2011 02:05:00 AM 1766 Views
YES! - 14/07/2011 02:38:48 AM 1611 Views
Sorry for the n00b reply, sentiments still apply - 16/07/2011 07:27:43 PM 1757 Views
Re: Sorry for the n00b reply, sentiments still apply - 17/07/2011 12:45:52 AM 1706 Views
I don't know what to think... (spoiler) - 14/07/2011 08:59:39 AM 1951 Views
Probably not. - 14/07/2011 09:19:03 AM 1950 Views
Re: Probably not. - 14/07/2011 03:57:55 PM 1777 Views
I think the two are mixed up. - 14/07/2011 11:23:06 PM 1853 Views
Re: I think the two are mixed up. - 18/07/2011 02:10:29 AM 1697 Views
What made least sense for me as far as that is concerned... - 14/07/2011 11:51:20 AM 1824 Views
They didn't. - 14/07/2011 11:24:53 PM 1870 Views
I see - 15/07/2011 08:28:09 AM 1784 Views
Didn't Jon just announced - 26/07/2011 02:51:07 AM 1753 Views
Something I totally missed first time through - 14/07/2011 09:40:33 AM 2138 Views
Re: Something I totally missed first time through - 16/07/2011 01:24:23 AM 2066 Views
Yep, that's what he said/thought - 17/07/2011 05:02:32 AM 1873 Views
Re: Something I totally missed first time through - 23/07/2011 04:14:38 PM 1721 Views
Well that brings new meaning - 26/07/2011 02:53:18 AM 1644 Views
I'm still not fully done, but about the Reek chapters... - 14/07/2011 04:05:29 PM 1877 Views
Agreed - 14/07/2011 06:18:15 PM 1893 Views
There's another... - 14/07/2011 07:16:11 PM 1694 Views
There's that... - 17/07/2011 01:12:33 AM 1742 Views
It's worse than that... - 17/07/2011 01:26:50 AM 1780 Views
Torture is wrong, and those chapters kinda proved it. *NM* - 26/07/2011 02:53:55 AM 954 Views
Having finished the book, my thoughts. (Spoilers) - 16/07/2011 08:11:30 AM 1879 Views
Re: Having finished the book, my thoughts. (Spoilers) - 17/07/2011 01:02:10 AM 1813 Views
You put words to my thoughts exactly. - 18/08/2011 09:17:09 PM 1727 Views
It should be re-titled A Jump with Sharks - 17/07/2011 06:00:37 PM 1922 Views
Publishers are more interested in the bottom line. - 18/07/2011 12:31:56 AM 1706 Views
Sadly, I am likely overestimating the intelligence of the readers. - 18/07/2011 03:05:12 AM 1927 Views
I felt bummed by Sanderson's new series. - 18/07/2011 05:25:09 AM 1779 Views
I bought that book but have yet to read it. - 18/07/2011 01:09:15 PM 1710 Views
Re: I bought that book but have yet to read it. - 20/07/2011 06:45:46 AM 1735 Views
You might like this quote from House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski. - 11/08/2011 03:42:05 PM 1804 Views
I'm afraid I have to agree with what seems to be the majority opinion... - 17/07/2011 07:35:47 PM 1866 Views
And on a different note entirely: is it me, or did the book need more proofreading? - 17/07/2011 07:39:15 PM 1767 Views
Yeah, I agree. - 18/07/2011 05:59:58 PM 1807 Views
The book really shows it is AFFC part 2 - 26/07/2011 03:00:07 AM 1779 Views
Am I The Only One In Love With Arya's Chapters? *spoilers maybe* - 18/07/2011 02:22:00 AM 1803 Views
I enjoyed them, very solid chapters. - 18/07/2011 12:50:43 PM 1822 Views
Unlike others, I won't start a separate thread to express my thoughts - 19/07/2011 11:21:17 AM 1943 Views
Yeah, I wished there was a way to move them in here! - 19/07/2011 01:42:51 PM 1685 Views
Me too... but going and complaining about them seems so lame, too. - 19/07/2011 07:34:47 PM 1693 Views
I agree with Jens, good balanced review. *NM* - 19/07/2011 07:50:13 PM 939 Views
I think you let him off too easily. - 20/07/2011 04:19:07 AM 1833 Views
Your review is a little too generous (in my opinion) - 20/07/2011 06:57:45 AM 1997 Views
I find myself both depressed and let down... - 20/07/2011 06:37:16 AM 2106 Views
Am I the only one who really likes... - 20/07/2011 06:04:00 PM 1886 Views
yeh, he is nice... *NM* - 20/07/2011 06:20:13 PM 930 Views
Davos is probably my favourite - 20/07/2011 09:51:03 PM 1617 Views
The six bodies fired by the trebuchet - 20/07/2011 10:36:16 PM 1792 Views
Yes, I was confused by that too. - 20/07/2011 10:53:35 PM 1703 Views
Probably pale mare victims. Seige warfare via plague - 20/07/2011 11:23:10 PM 1759 Views
Yes, I considered that as well... - 20/07/2011 11:48:32 PM 1730 Views
Have Quentyn's two mates already been sent off a this point? - 21/07/2011 02:03:15 PM 1774 Views
That could be it. *NM* - 21/07/2011 01:43:16 PM 846 Views
Stannis - 21/07/2011 08:43:40 AM 1742 Views
It's entirely possible Stannis was killed - 21/07/2011 02:09:10 PM 1829 Views
I highly doubt he's dead - 21/07/2011 07:29:59 PM 1779 Views
The bluff makes the most sense: if the Boltons beat Stannis, why does he ask for Theon & Jeyne? - 22/07/2011 12:01:30 AM 1839 Views
Yeah... - 22/07/2011 12:27:53 AM 1736 Views
The Aegon Twist. Something about this doesn't add up. - 21/07/2011 10:43:43 PM 1842 Views
Re: The Aegon Twist. Something about this doesn't add up. - 22/07/2011 05:42:13 PM 1912 Views
Alternatively.. - 22/07/2011 09:13:46 PM 1739 Views
Which gods do you think are "real" in Martin's world? - 22/07/2011 04:32:39 PM 1778 Views
None of them. - 22/07/2011 06:25:19 PM 1722 Views
Is that personal opinion or based on something Martin said? *NM* - 22/07/2011 06:37:57 PM 938 Views
Opinion - 22/07/2011 07:43:16 PM 1738 Views
I think there are some god's, just given different names. Same with the magic. - 22/07/2011 09:24:51 PM 1716 Views
Lose the apostrophe in the subject line. Then: on what basis do you assume this? - 23/07/2011 02:28:49 AM 1788 Views
You might want to stop wasting time correcting others typos. As for the gods... - 23/07/2011 04:53:59 AM 1640 Views
You might want to stop making them. Particularly glaring ones like that. - 23/07/2011 05:01:03 AM 1822 Views
A typo can't be "glaring"... - 23/07/2011 08:08:51 AM 1700 Views
Sure it can. Glaring: conspicuous or obvious. - 23/07/2011 03:52:57 PM 1715 Views
Morality stems from god? - 22/07/2011 10:47:59 PM 1706 Views
Of course it does - 23/07/2011 02:26:50 AM 1697 Views
On second thought, let's address the issue directly. - 23/07/2011 05:14:59 AM 1779 Views
Perhaps... - 24/07/2011 07:03:24 PM 1726 Views
Its simple... - 24/07/2011 07:37:11 PM 1713 Views
I disagree... - 25/07/2011 04:10:04 AM 1797 Views
Bullshit. - 25/07/2011 05:44:41 AM 1665 Views
Re: Bullshit. - 25/07/2011 06:27:09 AM 1578 Views
Some thoughts... - 25/07/2011 04:54:05 AM 1688 Views
It's not an objective morality. - 25/07/2011 05:41:33 AM 1686 Views
Its not that simple... - 25/07/2011 06:21:39 AM 1742 Views
I don't disagree with most of what you said. I just reach a different conclusion. - 25/07/2011 01:57:31 PM 1676 Views
Well... - 25/07/2011 05:02:45 PM 1685 Views
How then do you deal with the Euthyphro dilemma? - 16/08/2011 01:43:18 PM 1554 Views
Re: Which gods do you think are "real" in Martin's world? - 25/07/2011 02:24:07 PM 1648 Views
Whats the best new POV - 26/07/2011 03:14:05 AM 1738 Views
Barristan - 26/07/2011 12:23:20 PM 1694 Views
Didn't Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy also only have 2 POVs - 26/07/2011 03:56:57 PM 1769 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 26/07/2011 11:33:11 PM 969 Views
thirded. - 27/07/2011 04:16:26 PM 1562 Views
Absolutely *NM* - 29/07/2011 02:31:54 AM 1017 Views
Things you missed till they were pointed out via others or via a reread - 26/07/2011 03:23:53 AM 1886 Views
A bit. - 26/07/2011 12:32:32 PM 1854 Views
- 26/07/2011 03:46:54 PM 1786 Views
Re: - 27/07/2011 12:43:43 AM 1723 Views
Martin doesn't have to do anything - 27/07/2011 01:33:36 AM 1799 Views
Re: Martin doesn't have to do anything - 27/07/2011 04:38:19 AM 1696 Views
Re: Martin doesn't have to do anything - 27/07/2011 08:58:55 AM 1624 Views
Re: - 27/07/2011 04:27:18 AM 1803 Views
I like your theory. - 27/07/2011 04:35:22 PM 1811 Views
Interesting... hadn't noticed some of those either. - 26/07/2011 11:32:18 PM 1801 Views
Re: Interesting... hadn't noticed some of those either. - 27/07/2011 02:00:42 AM 1706 Views
Eh? - 29/07/2011 04:44:17 PM 1815 Views
This is complicated. - 31/07/2011 10:43:15 PM 2024 Views
Wait...a woman crowned for beauty was the victorious mystery knight? - 01/08/2011 03:00:49 AM 1717 Views
It is believed the Knight of the Laughing Tree is one of two people - 01/08/2011 04:47:21 AM 1757 Views
Yup. - 02/08/2011 12:03:26 AM 1661 Views
Also... - 02/08/2011 07:17:43 AM 1750 Views
And yet, my huge brain figures it out - 04/08/2011 04:20:06 PM 1717 Views
I've read this scene yesterday and I missed this... - 02/08/2011 07:55:35 AM 1746 Views
Allow me - 05/08/2011 02:14:15 PM 1603 Views
thanks *NM* - 07/08/2011 07:28:21 AM 917 Views
I thought this was pretty clear - 07/08/2011 05:18:54 PM 1621 Views
Hizdahr a Harpy? Innocent or Not? - 26/07/2011 03:36:56 AM 2026 Views
Interesting idea. - 26/07/2011 12:25:11 PM 1832 Views
Re: Interesting idea. - 27/07/2011 04:25:02 PM 1746 Views
What is happening with the Maesters subplot? Any new leads? - 26/07/2011 04:13:27 PM 1744 Views
Re: What is happening with the Maesters subplot? Any new leads? - 27/07/2011 12:49:52 AM 1951 Views
Re: What is happening with the Maesters subplot? Any new leads? - 27/07/2011 03:49:18 AM 1860 Views
Re: A Dance with Dragons discussion thread - 29/07/2011 01:42:57 AM 1866 Views
Okay. I suck. - 29/07/2011 01:50:56 AM 1659 Views
Let me rephrase that... - 29/07/2011 01:54:07 AM 1644 Views
Jon Snow is definitely Azor Ahai. - 29/07/2011 07:31:17 PM 2254 Views
Hmm - 31/07/2011 01:52:03 PM 2021 Views
you are correct - 31/07/2011 11:08:39 PM 1721 Views
Yup. - 31/07/2011 10:49:34 PM 1576 Views
But Shireen is a dragon... - 01/08/2011 12:22:16 AM 1759 Views
I'm uncertain about that - 01/08/2011 05:35:18 AM 1727 Views
True, but I wouldn't read too much into that. - 01/08/2011 11:42:29 PM 2004 Views
Where did he say that? - 02/08/2011 07:18:39 AM 1851 Views
In interviews - 02/08/2011 02:21:28 PM 1832 Views
A little thought about Jon... - 02/08/2011 08:02:34 AM 1885 Views
Excellent point. - 02/08/2011 02:22:22 PM 1811 Views
Am I the only one who thinks... - 09/08/2011 05:16:46 PM 1837 Views
I think Martin's gonna stick to Bran being the only one who does that - 10/08/2011 09:25:12 AM 1752 Views
Anyone have any thoughts as to the purpose of Arya's storyline? - 14/08/2011 06:28:09 PM 1734 Views
She's being trained as an assassin, so the question is who is she going to kill? - 16/08/2011 01:43:12 AM 1668 Views
Jon? - 18/08/2011 09:59:03 PM 1707 Views

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