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Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? Camilla Send a noteboard - 30/06/2011 11:39:46 AM
I meant books that you imagine will have a certain value, for example. Rare books, first editions, especially pretty bindings.

Ah, if it was a book I loved I might well do that but not because of the value just that it would be nice to have the best copy I can of it. I've done that with Sherlock Holmes - I had the stories spread over three cheap paperback editions but have upgraded to a single really nice hardback edition, I don't care if by some strange quirk of fate if it has less vlaue though:P

Yes, that is what I do.
I suppose there is a reason why certain types of books are more expensive or have greater value.
structured procrastinator
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Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 26/06/2011 09:21:48 PM 782 Views
I collect, but I also purge - 26/06/2011 09:36:04 PM 842 Views
My answers - 26/06/2011 09:38:40 PM 630 Views
I guess I'll find out when I start running out of place. - 26/06/2011 10:05:35 PM 777 Views
I collect them. - 26/06/2011 10:24:52 PM 708 Views
My house is full of books. - 26/06/2011 10:40:53 PM 678 Views
Don't think i've ever thrown/given a book away - 26/06/2011 11:22:08 PM 762 Views
I collect. - 26/06/2011 11:42:14 PM 646 Views
I used to collect... - 27/06/2011 04:11:31 AM 722 Views
Ah. - 27/06/2011 12:50:54 PM 796 Views
my 1500 books say "yes" - 27/06/2011 04:53:42 PM 676 Views
weeell - 28/06/2011 11:54:13 PM 658 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 29/06/2011 11:53:42 AM 793 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 29/06/2011 02:15:55 PM 596 Views
Oh. - 29/06/2011 04:42:14 PM 674 Views
Re: Oh. - 29/06/2011 06:35:35 PM 656 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 30/06/2011 11:37:46 AM 656 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 30/06/2011 11:39:46 AM 640 Views
Mine..they are all mine.... - 29/06/2011 03:08:32 PM 637 Views
Re: Mine..they are all mine.... - 29/06/2011 03:12:34 PM 643 Views

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