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I collect them. Tom Send a noteboard - 26/06/2011 10:24:52 PM
So: do you collect books?


do you purchase books specifically for collecting?

No, I purchase them to read, to keep and then to be able to reference if I ever need or want to.

do you sell books when you are done with them?

No. Occasionally, if I replace a cheap paperback with a nicer version I will give the cheap version away to a friend, but only if that friend is the sort who would enjoy the book and not ruin it. I did throw out a huge box of cheap Russian-language detective novels that I despised because my ex-wife bought and read them and I was divorced and she didn't want them.

do you borrow a lot of books in the library?

No. No one knows where those books have been or what the hands that touched them touched before touching the book. Think about George Costanza taking that book into the bathroom.

do you buy used books?

I avoid it but have been convinced to buy them in a very few cases where the book is unavailable new and the used version is "like new" or extremely old (in the latter case it's sort of just an antique).

why/why not?

Answers provided above.
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 26/06/2011 09:21:48 PM 760 Views
I collect, but I also purge - 26/06/2011 09:36:04 PM 821 Views
My answers - 26/06/2011 09:38:40 PM 609 Views
I guess I'll find out when I start running out of place. - 26/06/2011 10:05:35 PM 757 Views
I collect them. - 26/06/2011 10:24:52 PM 687 Views
My house is full of books. - 26/06/2011 10:40:53 PM 652 Views
Don't think i've ever thrown/given a book away - 26/06/2011 11:22:08 PM 739 Views
I collect. - 26/06/2011 11:42:14 PM 625 Views
I used to collect... - 27/06/2011 04:11:31 AM 698 Views
Ah. - 27/06/2011 12:50:54 PM 777 Views
my 1500 books say "yes" - 27/06/2011 04:53:42 PM 653 Views
weeell - 28/06/2011 11:54:13 PM 636 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 29/06/2011 11:53:42 AM 775 Views
Re: Addendum to previous survey: do you hoard books or pass them on/sell them when you are done? - 29/06/2011 02:15:55 PM 575 Views
Oh. - 29/06/2011 04:42:14 PM 652 Views
Re: Oh. - 29/06/2011 06:35:35 PM 635 Views
Mine..they are all mine.... - 29/06/2011 03:08:32 PM 608 Views
Re: Mine..they are all mine.... - 29/06/2011 03:12:34 PM 617 Views

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