Active Users:713 Time:11/03/2025 05:17:26 AM
Yeah, this is definitely a book that will be improved via re-read. Like WoT. beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 21/06/2011 12:07:46 AM
There's just so much stuff in there, and even when you finish the book, you've only understood maybe two thirds of it. I think a reread, once you understand the truth of some matters, and some characters motivations, would be excellent.

...Hm... where did I put my copy?
I amuse myself.
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The Way of Kings *spoilers* - 20/06/2011 03:39:17 PM 1213 Views
Keep going. - 20/06/2011 04:14:57 PM 977 Views
More like final 1/10, than 1/2 IMO. - 20/06/2011 05:25:54 PM 938 Views
Yeah, this is definitely a book that will be improved via re-read. Like WoT. - 21/06/2011 12:07:46 AM 916 Views
Nope.... - 21/06/2011 05:18:28 PM 1134 Views
It took me longer than I would have liked to get into it. - 20/06/2011 04:59:12 PM 986 Views
I agree. Haven't taken the time to re-read it yet though, but I will - 20/06/2011 10:23:31 PM 1017 Views
I liked it but it did start out slow - 20/06/2011 06:29:24 PM 929 Views
Me likey. You read more, you likey too. *NM* - 20/06/2011 07:02:22 PM 362 Views
LOL! *NM* - 20/06/2011 07:23:08 PM 368 Views
Thanks everyone *NM* - 22/06/2011 05:14:33 AM 425 Views
Pacing Was an Issue... - 23/06/2011 06:55:24 PM 1073 Views

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