Anyway, I'm curious how many people here are involved in one? Wouldn't it be nice if when you were done discussing, you could post a short little summation of the group's discussion? That way the burden of writing a "good" review wouldn't be on your shoulders (I know some worry about that, including me). It would be more of a summarization of the discussion. Minutes of the meeting, so to speak. I think it would be interesting.
Or maybe I overestimate how much time any of us has for that kind of thing? So, are you in a book club?
I'm part of a (small) book club irl and would be very up for doing this - we don't get through books that fast, about 1 every 5 weeks or something (the other members seem to have these pesky things called jobs that keep them busy) so it'd be totally doable.
Of course, we have our meetings in pubs so remembering what we discussed cannot be guaranteed
I like the quickpoll idea too <3
How many of you are involved in some sort of book club irl?
15/05/2011 02:38:39 PM
Your brain is filled with good ideas!
15/05/2011 04:54:12 PM
No, for lots of reasons.
16/05/2011 04:09:37 AM
16/05/2011 08:53:40 PM