Active Users:556 Time:11/03/2025 04:52:21 AM
It's not a waste of time. (beat.) Send a noteboard - 25/10/2010 02:04:25 PM
I've got ones I don't like. Hate, though, hate is strong.

Yes, it is strong. But appropriate. :P

If I'm disinterested in a book, I'll simply put it down and forget it - maybe whine a bit about how it's boring or whatever - but I won't say I hated it. Hate takes effort. If I'm gonna spend energy on hating something, it's fucken well gonna be worth it. That book has to work pretty hard to earn my hate. And reading those books is really not a waste of time; I gotta figure out why I react, which, for me anyway, has never been fruitless.
"All the worlds are in the sky
and some of them keep me from falling."

-- Charlie Mystery, age 5
This message last edited by (beat.) on 25/10/2010 at 02:05:05 PM
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OK, Rafonauts: name some books you hated. - 23/10/2010 09:31:22 PM 2366 Views
Catcher in the Rye-JD Salinger *NM* - 23/10/2010 09:43:40 PM 919 Views
You are both stark raving mad. *NM* - 23/10/2010 11:53:16 PM 914 Views
So. - 24/10/2010 01:09:21 AM 1527 Views
I third this book. Time spent in my life I can never get back. *NM* - 24/10/2010 02:06:17 AM 881 Views
Same. Also: Dicken's Hard times *NM* - 25/10/2010 09:39:46 AM 851 Views
I honestly can't think of a single one. - 23/10/2010 10:46:44 PM 1590 Views
I am envious. I would like not to have wasted my time on those books I hated. - 23/10/2010 11:30:57 PM 1557 Views
It's not a waste of time. - 25/10/2010 02:04:25 PM 1522 Views
Yeah, I agree. *NM* - 23/10/2010 11:53:34 PM 912 Views
Yeah, this is how I feel too. *NM* - 24/10/2010 09:34:50 PM 873 Views
I didn't hate The Name of the Wind - 23/10/2010 11:08:44 PM 1554 Views
I'm so full of hate I hated Eragon without even reading it. - 23/10/2010 11:18:42 PM 1648 Views
You mean "promoted because kid wrote it and parents were publishers". - 23/10/2010 11:56:50 PM 1499 Views
It's a decent book, but not anything great, you fuckin' Soc. *NM* - 24/10/2010 12:00:12 AM 880 Views
Well, I didn't say it was a masterpiece for adults. - 24/10/2010 12:41:01 AM 1456 Views
Re: I didn't hate The Name of the Wind - 23/10/2010 11:33:49 PM 1370 Views
RE: wuthering heights - 24/10/2010 12:18:53 AM 1557 Views
Argh, now I'm getting annoyed thinking about them! - 23/10/2010 11:52:23 PM 1450 Views
Always happy to help. - 24/10/2010 12:09:52 AM 1474 Views
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse *NM* - 24/10/2010 12:08:24 AM 1044 Views
*NM* - 24/10/2010 12:09:03 AM 872 Views
*NM* - 24/10/2010 12:11:50 AM 883 Views
*NM* - 24/10/2010 12:17:52 AM 777 Views
*NM* - 24/10/2010 12:26:04 AM 959 Views
Re: - 24/10/2010 01:27:08 AM 1587 Views
Eragon - 24/10/2010 02:40:09 PM 1656 Views
Ooops that should have been down there VVVVVV *NM* - 24/10/2010 02:41:15 PM 918 Views
Re: - 24/10/2010 03:11:07 PM 1516 Views
Hatred, thy name is Bronte. - 24/10/2010 01:32:58 AM 1490 Views
Vellum was one of the most overrated pieces of garbage I've ever read. - 24/10/2010 02:09:15 AM 1441 Views
Pure trash. I'm not sure why it found a publisher. - 24/10/2010 05:11:35 PM 1584 Views
I hated that book so much I couldn't finish it. *NM* - 16/11/2010 03:43:27 AM 893 Views
Heh. - 24/10/2010 03:14:27 PM 1456 Views
Regarding Chekhov, see what I wrote in my reply to Legolas. - 24/10/2010 05:19:41 PM 3675 Views
hmm. what did you dislike about beloved? - 25/10/2010 03:41:52 PM 1586 Views
dangit i totally put this in the wrong place *NM* - 26/10/2010 03:01:03 PM 905 Views
curiosity. - 25/10/2010 06:47:54 PM 1544 Views
Hate is probably too strong for most books but I really disliked House of Leaves. - 24/10/2010 02:15:39 AM 1526 Views
I can understand that. - 24/10/2010 03:15:41 PM 1305 Views
Very few. - 24/10/2010 03:14:27 AM 1549 Views
Re: Very few. - 24/10/2010 03:17:52 PM 1515 Views
I don't know that I've hated much lately - 24/10/2010 03:48:04 AM 1532 Views
Re: I don't know that I've hated much lately - 24/10/2010 03:20:03 PM 1369 Views
I Kissed Dating Goodbye. *NM* - 24/10/2010 09:43:16 AM 967 Views
I've read that. I think. *NM* - 24/10/2010 03:20:50 PM 822 Views
Heart of Darkness. Only book I've fallen asleep while reading. - 24/10/2010 09:50:26 AM 1395 Views
Oh, yes. Good lord, that was boring. - 24/10/2010 03:21:40 PM 1419 Views
really? - 25/10/2010 02:46:18 PM 1316 Views
If I read in bed, I'm up until I've read half the book. - 25/10/2010 10:29:51 PM 1446 Views
agreed - 26/10/2010 12:17:18 AM 1303 Views
Everything by Stephen King - 24/10/2010 10:35:36 AM 1500 Views
Yes! - 24/10/2010 03:22:30 PM 1544 Views
Not a fan at all....but.... - 05/11/2010 07:23:35 AM 1802 Views
I loved One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. - 24/10/2010 12:50:31 PM 1382 Views
Weirdo. - 24/10/2010 03:23:37 PM 1435 Views
The Magic of Recluce - L.E. Modesitt - 24/10/2010 01:10:39 PM 1530 Views
I've read a couple of those. - 24/10/2010 03:24:58 PM 1337 Views
Talk of the devil - 26/10/2010 03:53:58 PM 1469 Views
I saw that and thought of you. *NM* - 26/10/2010 04:00:27 PM 796 Views
They were not that bad - 26/10/2010 10:29:17 PM 1512 Views
A confederacy of dunces & The Brothers Karamazov *NM* - 24/10/2010 01:50:37 PM 780 Views
Re: A confederacy of dunces & The Brothers Karamazov - 24/10/2010 03:29:00 PM 1537 Views
Mine - 24/10/2010 02:59:38 PM 1488 Views
Re: Mine - 24/10/2010 03:31:46 PM 1460 Views
Re: Mine - 25/10/2010 06:43:37 PM 1453 Views
Re: Mine - 25/10/2010 07:51:23 PM 1893 Views
Re: Mine - 25/10/2010 07:57:46 AM 1519 Views
Re: Mine - 25/10/2010 06:44:12 PM 1576 Views
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - 24/10/2010 03:07:10 PM 1436 Views
Terry Goodkind - 24/10/2010 03:46:16 PM 1929 Views
Y YU HATE TARY??! YU TROLL!!....... *NM* - 24/10/2010 04:43:08 PM 888 Views
Just to be contrary, mostly - 24/10/2010 05:01:50 PM 1375 Views
Yes - 24/10/2010 10:36:29 PM 1369 Views
Hubbard - 24/10/2010 04:23:55 PM 1376 Views
Easy question. - 24/10/2010 04:56:52 PM 1497 Views
Thank you. - 24/10/2010 06:25:45 PM 1499 Views
OMG - 24/10/2010 06:44:47 PM 1460 Views
Aww I liked it. - 25/10/2010 12:10:24 AM 1653 Views
Re: Aww I liked it. - 25/10/2010 12:26:42 AM 1898 Views
Brave New World. *NM* - 25/10/2010 02:13:13 AM 842 Views
Well... - 25/10/2010 10:45:14 AM 1459 Views
On the other hand - 25/10/2010 01:33:58 PM 1415 Views
Re: On the other hand - 25/10/2010 08:52:41 PM 1347 Views
LOL - 26/10/2010 03:30:33 AM 1524 Views
Hate, as opposed to wouldn't waste energy on. - 25/10/2010 01:55:00 PM 1416 Views
Re: Hate, as opposed to wouldn't waste energy on. - 25/10/2010 06:59:37 PM 1319 Views
Snowcrash and Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand *NM* - 25/10/2010 02:47:07 PM 831 Views
Anything By Faulkner - 26/10/2010 06:37:35 PM 1584 Views
The Scarlet Letter - 26/10/2010 08:08:11 PM 1467 Views
The Magicians by Lev Grossman *NM* - 27/10/2010 09:48:47 AM 900 Views
My Antonia, The Color Purple, and The Grapes of Wrath come to mind. *NM* - 28/10/2010 02:21:02 PM 826 Views
My Antonia is a dumb book. *NM* - 07/11/2010 02:52:13 AM 809 Views
That I can do. - 16/11/2010 03:50:12 AM 1615 Views

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