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Ron, Neville, Harry, Hermione, McGonagall, Professor Tofty, Snape, Umbridge and the second trio. Camilla Send a noteboard - 06/10/2010 08:34:55 PM
Ron: His bragging by the water. I like how it redeems James by showing it as an endearing trait rather than deep seated and unpleasant arrogance.

Neville: I really, really, REALLY wish the trio would just tell Neville they admire his parents.

Harry: I really like the moment when he produces the Patronus in front of Umbridge. It is so satisfying.

Hermione's description of him as having a thing for saving people is very apt. I don't remember whether that is something we have discussed. She is quite right: it has been building throughout the books (book 2: Ginny; book 3: Ron; book 4: everyone in the pond; book 5…). I wonder whether it is due to some trauma related to the loss of his parents.

Hermione: I sympathise entirely with her bad temper during exams. Exams can do that. Especially when you are completely unable to evaluate your own work.

I am also impressed with her manipulation of Umbridge later on.

McGonagall: I like how she warns the students that while their results will reflect on Umbridge's rule, that is no reason not to do their best.

I was so terrified she was dead after she was stunned the first time I read the book. There had been rumours that someone was going to die, and I was secretly hoping it would be Hagrid. In retrospect I wish it had been. At any rate, I like how she objects to the treatment of Hagrid at this point. I like that Rowling's good guys are not just "good", they act on it. They are not content to fight the good fight and tolerate whatever injustice might go on in the mean time. At least not always. I like how they may consider that the sensible way, and that they may caution Harry and tell him to not risk his neck, but that they themselves find that almost impossible to do.

Professor Tofty: The reaction to Umbridge's actions is excellent.

Snape: I like how he refuses to give Umbridge Veritaserum. I assume he did not give her the real thing last time as well … it could have incriminated him as well as the rest of the order. I am sure he actually does have Veritaserum, however. His reaction to Harry's information is also spot on. It is his job to not show on his face what he thinks.

Umbridge: the defining moment of her character is of course when she decides to use the Cruciatus Curse. "What Cornelius does not know will not hurt him" indeed. And you can see the sadist in her tipping the scales.

And then she gets what is coming to her.

The second trio: They show their true mettle. I love them. I think they have no idea what they are letting themselves in for. I think Ginny is partially spurred on by the memory of her famous siblings and their great exploits; I think Neville is doing it because of his parents; and I have no idea about Luna. Their argument that this is what the DA was for falls a little flat, as defending oneself against Voldemort is one thing, but actively seeking him out is quite another. But there is also a strong sense of doing the right thing. I like that the second trio consists of the less than conventionally heroic (although Ginny is only hampered by being a little sister, and not really hampered by that).
structured procrastinator
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The Great Harry Potter Re-read: Book Five - The Order of the Phoenix - 13/09/2010 09:14:51 PM 3934 Views
Monday 13 September: chapters 1-3 - Dementors, owls and a daring rescue. *NM* - 13/09/2010 09:18:29 PM 1148 Views
New characters and characters old. - 13/09/2010 09:20:39 PM 1959 Views
Re: New characters and characters old. - 13/09/2010 11:55:04 PM 1912 Views
Going to try to be succinct here and not get into endless back-and-forths... we'll see. - 14/09/2010 12:15:58 AM 1832 Views
Re: Going to try to be succinct here and not get into endless back-and-forths... we'll see. - 14/09/2010 09:00:37 AM 1901 Views
News / Petunia / Snape / Tonks - 14/09/2010 04:40:01 PM 2031 Views
Having trouble with quotes? - 14/09/2010 04:57:22 PM 1791 Views
If you are having trouble with quotes, you can set it up so it always does the paragraphs thing. - 14/09/2010 05:17:28 PM 1957 Views
I know *NM* - 14/09/2010 05:19:49 PM 1081 Views
It wasn't you I was talking to. *NM* - 14/09/2010 05:22:52 PM 1077 Views
Then why did you reply to me? - 14/09/2010 05:30:14 PM 1829 Views
To subtly point out that if you were going to make that remark, you could also have given the tip. - 14/09/2010 06:15:55 PM 1909 Views
- 14/09/2010 06:37:38 PM 1883 Views
Thanks, that was driving me nuts and I had to actually get back to work... - 14/09/2010 06:40:19 PM 1867 Views
Re: Thanks, that was driving me nuts and I had to actually get back to work... - 14/09/2010 07:25:07 PM 2009 Views
If I lurk effectively, you won't even see me. - 16/09/2010 06:54:13 PM 1950 Views
You just made my life so much easier! - 15/09/2010 12:06:29 AM 1916 Views
You were just showing off with your reply weren't you? Segmenting the quotes like that. - 14/09/2010 06:53:03 PM 1990 Views
Re: You were just showing off with your reply weren't you? Segmenting the quotes like that. - 14/09/2010 07:24:28 PM 2062 Views
A question around that. - 16/09/2010 07:02:11 PM 2018 Views
Re: A question around that. - 16/09/2010 07:04:37 PM 1936 Views
After the end of OotP, it's widely known he's back. - 16/09/2010 07:12:19 PM 2078 Views
I think I remember now - 16/09/2010 07:43:42 PM 1850 Views
Also - 14/09/2010 10:33:06 AM 1965 Views
I agree with you. - 19/09/2010 06:26:48 PM 2047 Views
Try to remember Harry is 15 years old - 14/09/2010 01:39:20 AM 1854 Views
I know. - 14/09/2010 09:02:08 AM 1888 Views
Re: New characters and characters old. - 14/09/2010 03:26:27 AM 2052 Views
Re: New characters and characters old. - 14/09/2010 09:05:06 AM 2187 Views
Re: New characters and characters old. - 14/09/2010 08:08:34 AM 1934 Views
Re: New characters and characters old. - 14/09/2010 09:05:35 AM 1865 Views
Actually - 14/09/2010 02:41:22 PM 1847 Views
You're right of course. - 14/09/2010 11:58:06 PM 1916 Views
Harry's rage. - 14/09/2010 02:53:13 PM 1917 Views
Re: Harry's rage. - 14/09/2010 03:07:28 PM 1935 Views
Pent up over the other installments. - 14/09/2010 03:30:00 PM 1807 Views
The Dursleys. - 15/09/2010 01:23:18 AM 1913 Views
Re: The Dursleys. - 15/09/2010 03:51:06 PM 1998 Views
Re: The Dursleys. - 19/09/2010 06:31:11 PM 1957 Views
Plotplotplot (plot makes a funny noise when you say it like that). - 13/09/2010 09:22:27 PM 2007 Views
You stole my title! - 13/09/2010 11:54:06 PM 1981 Views
So I did. - 19/09/2010 06:35:10 PM 1892 Views
Re: So I did. - 19/09/2010 06:39:49 PM 1946 Views
Other stuff. - 13/09/2010 09:22:53 PM 1954 Views
two questions. - 13/09/2010 11:49:28 PM 1836 Views
Answers - 14/09/2010 03:01:58 AM 1902 Views
Re: Answers - 14/09/2010 08:13:17 AM 1951 Views
Agreed. - 14/09/2010 10:17:57 AM 1886 Views
More of Rowling's number problems? *NM* - 19/09/2010 06:36:52 PM 967 Views
Also agreed. - 15/09/2010 01:16:28 AM 1987 Views
Those were totally the two questions I was going to ask. - 15/09/2010 01:13:29 AM 1980 Views
Surprisingly many hilarious little things for a book that's gonna be as dark as this one. - 14/09/2010 10:11:54 AM 1796 Views
That is why I love it so much. - 14/09/2010 10:14:01 AM 2548 Views
Re: That is why I love it so much. - 14/09/2010 10:19:50 AM 1988 Views
Re: That is why I love it so much. - 14/09/2010 10:27:09 AM 1750 Views
Re: That is why I love it so much. - 15/09/2010 03:09:52 AM 2015 Views
Re: That is why I love it so much. - 15/09/2010 08:31:04 AM 1931 Views
Re: That is why I love it so much. - 19/09/2010 06:40:12 PM 1809 Views
Re: That is why I love it so much. - 19/09/2010 06:43:25 PM 1684 Views
He's incredibly blind, our Harry. - 19/09/2010 06:38:29 PM 1833 Views
I don't find it annoying, really. - 19/09/2010 07:27:11 PM 1707 Views
I dislike it intensely. - 22/09/2010 12:55:56 PM 1857 Views
Ah, like that. - 22/09/2010 01:09:40 PM 1863 Views
Wednesday 15 September: chapters 4-6 *NM* - 13/09/2010 09:25:46 PM 1018 Views
Characters: still interesting? *NM* - 15/09/2010 08:13:26 AM 1028 Views
Yes - 15/09/2010 11:12:36 AM 1961 Views
You write your posts out in Word and then copypaste them? Why? - 15/09/2010 11:43:29 AM 1876 Views
No. I don't even have Word. - 15/09/2010 11:52:02 AM 1796 Views
Or some other program, whatever. - 15/09/2010 12:02:55 PM 1764 Views
Re: Or some other program, whatever. - 15/09/2010 12:07:02 PM 2079 Views
Kreacher. - 16/09/2010 03:43:57 AM 1878 Views
Re: Yes - 16/09/2010 04:17:39 AM 1970 Views
Re: Yes - 16/09/2010 09:36:22 AM 1935 Views
Re: Yes - 16/09/2010 04:28:54 AM 2020 Views
Re: Yes - 16/09/2010 10:02:16 AM 1958 Views
Re: Yes - 17/09/2010 06:00:26 AM 1791 Views
Re: Yes - 17/09/2010 09:01:28 AM 1893 Views
Sirius and Sirius' mother. - 16/09/2010 04:25:36 AM 1909 Views
Re: Sirius and Sirius' mother. - 16/09/2010 09:41:44 AM 1912 Views
Re: Sirius and Sirius' mother. - 17/09/2010 04:32:55 AM 1835 Views
Plot: how's that coming along? *NM* - 15/09/2010 08:13:45 AM 1003 Views
tragically? - 15/09/2010 11:12:10 AM 1907 Views
Re: tragically? - 15/09/2010 03:42:29 PM 1970 Views
Re: tragically? - 15/09/2010 03:47:06 PM 2029 Views
Yes. And the one who will get the fantastic line at the end of the book. *NM* - 15/09/2010 04:08:47 PM 1013 Views
I have forgotten that - 15/09/2010 04:10:57 PM 1889 Views
Well, it may not be that fantastic, but it's pretty amusing. - 15/09/2010 04:12:55 PM 1837 Views
Ah, yes - 15/09/2010 04:14:15 PM 1844 Views
Oh I thought you were talking about the one where he tells the Minister - 15/09/2010 10:03:57 PM 1912 Views
Re: tragically? - 16/09/2010 04:08:03 AM 1970 Views
Re: tragically? - 16/09/2010 04:32:57 AM 1878 Views
Thanks. - 17/09/2010 04:34:30 AM 1840 Views
Happy to help! - 20/09/2010 05:13:52 AM 1849 Views
Re: tragically? - 16/09/2010 09:29:32 AM 2003 Views
Other things: ? *NM* - 15/09/2010 08:14:56 AM 1013 Views
Ridiculing asides - 15/09/2010 11:12:43 AM 1987 Views
Black's House of Horrors - 15/09/2010 03:44:18 PM 1870 Views
Percy and Rowling's handling of profanity. - 16/09/2010 03:35:05 AM 2013 Views
Re: Percy and Rowling's handling of profanity. - 16/09/2010 03:48:50 AM 1906 Views
Re: Percy and Rowling's handling of profanity. - 16/09/2010 04:02:04 AM 1894 Views
Re: Percy and Rowling's handling of profanity. - 16/09/2010 09:44:48 AM 1985 Views
'tisn't. - 16/09/2010 03:24:05 PM 1893 Views
Re: Percy and Rowling's handling of profanity. - 16/09/2010 09:43:50 AM 1858 Views
Friday 17 September: The Ministry of Magic, Harry's Hearing, and that thing with Mrs Weasley - 13/09/2010 09:26:16 PM 1942 Views
The plot thickens. - 17/09/2010 12:05:57 PM 1804 Views
A few thoughts - 17/09/2010 04:21:25 PM 1937 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 17/09/2010 05:10:24 PM 1818 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 17/09/2010 06:36:37 PM 1955 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 19/09/2010 05:51:24 AM 1905 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 19/09/2010 09:19:30 AM 1934 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 19/09/2010 10:20:32 PM 1958 Views
Lots of things happening in here that come back up in future books - 17/09/2010 04:41:02 PM 1827 Views
Re: Lots of things happening in here that comes back up in future books - 17/09/2010 06:31:44 PM 1824 Views
Timing messed up again. - 17/09/2010 07:10:31 PM 1980 Views
Re: Timing messed up again. - 17/09/2010 07:13:41 PM 1952 Views
Well... - 17/09/2010 08:18:07 PM 1825 Views
Re: Well... - 19/09/2010 02:14:01 AM 1891 Views
It's like those old chip commercials. It's hard to just read one. - 20/09/2010 01:13:20 AM 1908 Views
Re: The plot thickens. - 17/09/2010 06:18:34 PM 1992 Views
Character development. - 17/09/2010 12:06:52 PM 1830 Views
Mrs. Weasley - 17/09/2010 04:23:20 PM 1883 Views
Agree here, but I can understand why she's cracking up a bit. - 17/09/2010 04:46:30 PM 1966 Views
Don't know if you noticed it, but the death of her brothers is actually mentioned here. - 17/09/2010 04:56:01 PM 1765 Views
Yes - 17/09/2010 06:20:34 PM 1896 Views
I don't know how I missed it. - 19/09/2010 02:16:11 AM 1891 Views
I believe we never get her maiden name in the series itself - it's from some family tree or the like - 19/09/2010 04:25:13 PM 1898 Views
Are you sure? - 19/09/2010 05:14:14 PM 1873 Views
No. I could be wrong. But I wouldn't know where to look for it, if so. - 19/09/2010 07:29:18 PM 1896 Views
According to the HP Wiki at Wikia, there should be a more explicit mention of it in book seven. *NM* - 19/09/2010 07:34:10 PM 980 Views
Maybe that is what I am thinking of - 19/09/2010 07:37:11 PM 1805 Views
Re: Maybe that is what I am thinking of - 20/09/2010 05:06:33 AM 1758 Views
Re: Mrs. Weasley - 18/09/2010 03:14:53 PM 1920 Views
Mr. Weasley - 17/09/2010 04:54:49 PM 1954 Views
He is lovely. - 17/09/2010 06:22:27 PM 1784 Views
His shifts between the two are handled nicely. - 17/09/2010 07:19:38 PM 1937 Views
Re: His shifts between the two are handled nicely. - 17/09/2010 07:21:38 PM 2087 Views
Re: His shifts between the two are handled nicely. - 17/09/2010 08:29:06 PM 2083 Views
Re: His shifts between the two are handled nicely. - 17/09/2010 08:30:12 PM 1667 Views
It's cheesy. *NM* - 17/09/2010 08:41:32 PM 1008 Views
Yeah, kind of cheesy, but I still enjoyed it. Should we table this for the DH reread? *NM* - 20/09/2010 01:21:33 AM 946 Views
Yeah, let's. *NM* - 20/09/2010 10:37:32 AM 1045 Views
Re: Mr. Weasley - 19/09/2010 05:35:34 AM 1853 Views
Re: Character development. - 17/09/2010 06:17:37 PM 1952 Views
Percy and Prefect Ron. - 18/09/2010 03:27:13 PM 1924 Views
Re: Percy and Prefect Ron. - 18/09/2010 03:35:30 PM 1946 Views
Other things of note. - 17/09/2010 12:07:33 PM 1897 Views
Re: Other things of note. - 17/09/2010 06:13:25 PM 1893 Views
Re: Other things of note. - 18/09/2010 03:11:48 PM 1904 Views
Monday 20 September: chapters 10-12 ~ Back to school *NM* - 13/09/2010 09:26:44 PM 935 Views
Characters: Luna, Umbridge and the Sorting Hat *NM* - 20/09/2010 08:03:30 AM 1032 Views
Draco, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Harry, Umbridge and McGonnagall - 20/09/2010 03:44:01 PM 1777 Views
I think McGonagall kind of fails there. - 20/09/2010 04:58:01 PM 1818 Views
Re: I think McGonagall kind of fails there. - 20/09/2010 05:05:27 PM 1903 Views
Maybe she doesn't realize all that, but really, how much effort does it take to be clear? - 20/09/2010 05:43:57 PM 1921 Views
Re: Maybe she doesn't realize all that, but really, how much effort does it take to be clear? - 20/09/2010 06:18:35 PM 1989 Views
Oh, I think it is. - 20/09/2010 06:30:33 PM 1812 Views
Re: Oh, I think it is. - 20/09/2010 06:37:09 PM 1873 Views
My head is spinning a bit from this debate. - 21/09/2010 03:01:16 PM 1894 Views
Re: Oh, I think it is. - 22/09/2010 02:59:40 AM 1840 Views
Prefect picking. - 22/09/2010 03:10:04 AM 1898 Views
Re: Draco, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Umbridge - 22/09/2010 03:07:13 AM 2017 Views
Re: Draco, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Umbridge - 22/09/2010 08:59:58 AM 1690 Views
Weasley goodness. - 22/09/2010 03:16:41 AM 1870 Views
Re: Weasley goodness. - 22/09/2010 09:03:52 AM 1995 Views
Re: Weasley goodness. - 23/09/2010 04:32:45 AM 2012 Views
Plot: things you've noticed. *NM* - 20/09/2010 08:04:13 AM 1003 Views
Not much in these chapters - 20/09/2010 03:45:55 PM 1930 Views
Oh, there's more than that. - 20/09/2010 04:43:28 PM 1902 Views
Re: Oh, there's more than that. - 20/09/2010 04:47:53 PM 1954 Views
I remembered now: Barty Crouch Junior. - 20/09/2010 05:08:16 PM 1856 Views
I did not get that from the passage - 20/09/2010 05:19:45 PM 1846 Views
Hmm. - 20/09/2010 05:38:28 PM 1889 Views
Re: Hmm. - 20/09/2010 06:10:03 PM 1929 Views
Because it rather seems like it'd come up if he had. - 20/09/2010 06:21:30 PM 1933 Views
Re: Because it rather seems like it'd come up if he had. - 20/09/2010 06:34:32 PM 1933 Views
You make a good point. - 21/09/2010 03:12:10 PM 1935 Views
Oh yes: Assyria is a wizarding country. - 22/09/2010 09:42:27 AM 1909 Views
Er, that should've gone under anything else. Oh well. *NM* - 22/09/2010 09:46:30 AM 1128 Views
Yes - 22/09/2010 09:50:47 AM 1869 Views
Because that's the only modern meaning of "Assyrian". - 22/09/2010 09:58:03 AM 2016 Views
Re: Because that's the only modern meaning of "Assyrian". - 22/09/2010 09:59:39 AM 1978 Views
Who knows? Don't think we've seen much discussion of religion in the wizarding world. *NM* - 22/09/2010 10:02:30 AM 1015 Views
True - 22/09/2010 12:00:12 PM 1925 Views
On their broomsticks, obviously *NM* - 23/09/2010 02:27:06 PM 1042 Views
In that part of the world I understand they use flying carpets, actually. *NM* - 23/09/2010 03:16:18 PM 951 Views
Wasn't there a mention of someone trying to smuggle flying carpets into England? - 23/09/2010 06:17:58 PM 1765 Views
I know there was one in book 4 - 23/09/2010 06:43:34 PM 1805 Views
That's right, talking shop with Dad. - 23/09/2010 07:40:42 PM 1788 Views
Themes - 20/09/2010 08:05:17 AM 1783 Views
Bigotry and control - 20/09/2010 03:49:49 PM 1962 Views
Anything else? *NM* - 20/09/2010 08:05:33 AM 1021 Views
Thestrals & Hufflepuff - 20/09/2010 03:50:34 PM 1799 Views
Re: Thestrals & Hufflepuff - 22/09/2010 02:57:03 AM 1956 Views
For some reason... - 22/09/2010 03:24:14 AM 1969 Views
Yes - 22/09/2010 08:55:50 AM 1862 Views
Wednesday 22 September: chapters 13-15 ~ School gets interesting. - 13/09/2010 09:27:09 PM 1990 Views
Character development: how are our three main characters getting along? - 22/09/2010 12:43:53 PM 1763 Views
Some interesting developments, I thought. - 22/09/2010 01:57:42 PM 1933 Views
Re: Some interesting developments, I thought. Edited - 22/09/2010 02:35:20 PM 1870 Views
Dumbledore, this really bugs me - 23/09/2010 03:39:28 AM 1781 Views
Re: Dumbledore, this really bugs me - 23/09/2010 08:37:18 AM 1879 Views
Re: Dumbledore, this really bugs me - 23/09/2010 02:51:13 PM 1801 Views
Plot progression, and continuing themes. - 22/09/2010 12:44:34 PM 1975 Views
Action and reaction - 22/09/2010 12:50:35 PM 1970 Views
Re: Action and reaction - 22/09/2010 02:15:16 PM 1826 Views
Re: Action and reaction - 22/09/2010 02:43:32 PM 1867 Views
Umbridge - 23/09/2010 03:54:48 AM 1998 Views
Re: Umbridge - 23/09/2010 08:38:47 AM 1808 Views
Re: Plot progression, and continuing themes. - 22/09/2010 02:03:27 PM 1928 Views
Re: Plot progression, and continuing themes. - 22/09/2010 02:25:48 PM 2044 Views
Any other comments? - 22/09/2010 12:44:54 PM 1816 Views
Erm. - 23/09/2010 04:48:03 AM 1831 Views
Re: Erm. - 23/09/2010 08:40:19 AM 1914 Views
Not really a distance thing, but... - 23/09/2010 02:58:55 PM 1874 Views
The title of chapter 13. - 27/09/2010 03:58:04 PM 1989 Views
Good point. - 27/09/2010 04:00:56 PM 1927 Views
Friday 24 September: chapters 16-18 ~ Dumbledore's Army - 13/09/2010 09:27:50 PM 1948 Views
Character development: Harry, Hermione, Ron, etc. - 24/09/2010 05:05:43 PM 1956 Views
Ron, Hermione, Cho, Weasley children, Neville, Trelawny, Sirius - 24/09/2010 07:07:28 PM 1974 Views
Le plot. - 24/09/2010 05:06:34 PM 1824 Views
Reaction -- the forming of the DA - 24/09/2010 07:08:45 PM 2048 Views
Re: Reaction -- the forming of the DA - 27/09/2010 02:16:53 PM 1964 Views
Re: Reaction -- the forming of the DA - 27/09/2010 02:30:31 PM 1955 Views
Re: Reaction -- the forming of the DA - 27/09/2010 03:55:50 PM 1836 Views
Re: Reaction -- the forming of the DA - 27/09/2010 03:59:33 PM 1786 Views
Re: Reaction -- the forming of the DA - 27/09/2010 04:11:01 PM 2040 Views
Re: Reaction -- the forming of the DA - 27/09/2010 04:14:39 PM 1951 Views
Anything else? - 24/09/2010 05:07:10 PM 1662 Views
Kittens! - 24/09/2010 07:09:28 PM 1785 Views
Re: Kittens! - 27/09/2010 01:54:26 PM 1903 Views
Re: Kittens! - 27/09/2010 01:57:30 PM 1936 Views
Re: Kittens! - 27/09/2010 02:02:55 PM 2018 Views
Monday 27 September: chapters 19-21 ~ Quidditch, Hagrid and thestrals. - 13/09/2010 09:28:27 PM 1822 Views
Les Characters - 27/09/2010 07:57:17 AM 1830 Views
Ron, Umbridge, McGonagall, Hagrid, Cho, Hermione, Harry - 27/09/2010 03:26:13 PM 1927 Views
Re: Ron, Umbridge, McGonagall, Hagrid, Cho, Hermione, Harry - 27/09/2010 04:57:55 PM 1907 Views
Re: Ron, Umbridge, McGonagall, Hagrid, Cho, Hermione, Harry - 27/09/2010 05:08:10 PM 1772 Views
Re: Various characters you mentioned - 29/09/2010 03:54:42 AM 1893 Views
Re: Various characters you mentioned - 29/09/2010 09:41:16 AM 1950 Views
Plot - are we happy with what's happening? - 27/09/2010 07:58:33 AM 1880 Views
Definitely some things of note! - 27/09/2010 02:43:41 PM 1834 Views
Re: Definitely some things of note! - 27/09/2010 03:36:39 PM 1905 Views
Re: Definitely some things of note! - 27/09/2010 04:03:17 PM 1847 Views
Re: Definitely some things of note! - 27/09/2010 04:07:20 PM 1697 Views
Mirroring - 27/09/2010 03:27:51 PM 1854 Views
Re: Mirroring - this is good. - 30/09/2010 02:43:21 PM 1910 Views
Any other thoughts? - 27/09/2010 07:59:14 AM 1754 Views
Bigotry, the Sorting Hat and Giants - 27/09/2010 03:28:10 PM 1756 Views
Re: Bigotry, the Sorting Hat and Giants - 27/09/2010 05:08:42 PM 1732 Views
Re: Bigotry, the Sorting Hat and Giants - 27/09/2010 05:21:20 PM 1819 Views
Re: Gnomes - 29/09/2010 04:00:20 AM 1713 Views
Re: Gnomes - 29/09/2010 09:43:54 AM 1872 Views
Re: Gnomes - 30/09/2010 03:27:37 AM 1895 Views
Wednesday 29 September: chapters 22-24 - 13/09/2010 09:29:12 PM 1936 Views
Characters and characterisation *NM* - 29/09/2010 04:43:38 PM 982 Views
High emotions. - 29/09/2010 05:11:07 PM 1892 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 08:21:46 PM 1844 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 09:51:14 PM 1907 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 10:06:43 PM 1822 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 10:28:58 PM 1801 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 11:31:04 PM 1802 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 11:35:52 PM 1865 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 09:18:42 PM 1658 Views
Re: High emotions. - 29/09/2010 10:05:32 PM 1863 Views
Re: High emotions. - 30/09/2010 04:04:31 AM 1850 Views
Themes and progression of themes. *NM* - 29/09/2010 04:44:11 PM 934 Views
A bit of a respite on that score - 29/09/2010 05:18:46 PM 1849 Views
Plotting and plot continuity *NM* - 29/09/2010 04:44:32 PM 996 Views
Re: Plotting and plot continuity - 29/09/2010 05:11:43 PM 2041 Views
Re: Plotting and plot continuity - 29/09/2010 09:17:02 PM 1931 Views
Re: Plotting and plot continuity - 29/09/2010 09:58:03 PM 1964 Views
Re: Plotting and plot continuity - 30/09/2010 02:36:25 PM 1961 Views
Other things of note. *NM* - 29/09/2010 04:44:51 PM 1010 Views
A Question - 29/09/2010 05:12:06 PM 1882 Views
Rowling is having fun once more, this time with St. Mungo's. - 29/09/2010 09:19:53 PM 1880 Views
Re: Rowling is having fun once more, this time with St. Mungo's. - 29/09/2010 10:35:51 PM 1710 Views
Re: Rowling is having fun once more, this time with St. Mungo's. - 30/09/2010 03:42:21 AM 1877 Views
The Lockheart encounter is great too. - 30/09/2010 05:21:17 AM 1877 Views
Re: The Lockheart encounter is great too. - 30/09/2010 02:50:18 PM 1916 Views
Friday 1 October: chapters 25-27 - Sorry I'm late. - 13/09/2010 09:29:58 PM 1800 Views
Plot/action: getting exciting? *NM* - 02/10/2010 11:25:48 AM 1024 Views
Beginning of the end - 02/10/2010 07:55:36 PM 1971 Views
Re: Beginning of the end - 05/10/2010 10:45:32 PM 1853 Views
Re: Beginning of the end - 05/10/2010 10:52:28 PM 1938 Views
Re: Beginning of the end - 06/10/2010 01:33:57 AM 1843 Views
Other things. *NM* - 02/10/2010 11:26:06 AM 930 Views
The way reactions are given, and an observation about occlumency. - 02/10/2010 07:55:48 PM 1958 Views
The least important of your points... - 04/10/2010 08:18:04 PM 2068 Views
Re: The least important of your points... - 04/10/2010 08:20:15 PM 1839 Views
Re: The least important of your points... - 05/10/2010 07:41:32 PM 1978 Views
Monday 4 October: chapters 28-30 - bad memories, dramatic exits, and large brothers. - 13/09/2010 09:32:03 PM 1878 Views
Plotting and themes. - 04/10/2010 06:32:16 PM 1891 Views
family and bigotry - 04/10/2010 07:41:22 PM 1914 Views
Weasley Mayhem. And stuff. - 05/10/2010 02:07:06 AM 1883 Views
Re: Weasley Mayhem. And stuff. - 05/10/2010 09:06:04 AM 1777 Views
Re: family and bigotry - 05/10/2010 11:27:55 PM 1886 Views
Re: family and bigotry - 05/10/2010 11:37:11 PM 1858 Views
Anything else? - 04/10/2010 06:32:43 PM 1908 Views
portaits - 04/10/2010 07:41:49 PM 1710 Views
I'm wondering if Dumbledore is camping out in his office. - 05/10/2010 11:19:03 PM 1946 Views
Re: I'm wondering if Dumbledore is camping out in his office. - 05/10/2010 11:28:37 PM 1973 Views
That would be awesome. - 06/10/2010 02:28:33 AM 1872 Views
Wednesday 6 October: chapters 31-33 - OWLs, fights and other such hijinks. - 13/09/2010 09:32:40 PM 1892 Views
Characters - so many to deal with. - 06/10/2010 08:13:36 PM 1836 Views
Ron, Neville, Harry, Hermione, McGonagall, Professor Tofty, Snape, Umbridge and the second trio. - 06/10/2010 08:34:55 PM 1961 Views
Plot! Theme and Action! - 06/10/2010 08:14:21 PM 1849 Views
The trap is set - 06/10/2010 08:36:03 PM 1854 Views
Re: The trap is set - 06/10/2010 09:37:17 PM 1853 Views
Re: The trap is set - 06/10/2010 09:50:15 PM 1918 Views
Anything else you want to waffle about. - 06/10/2010 08:14:50 PM 1881 Views
exams - 06/10/2010 08:36:35 PM 1842 Views
Friday 8 October: chapters 34-36 - The big fight and the big farewell. - 13/09/2010 09:33:45 PM 2023 Views
Characters: Death Eaters, Order of the Phoenix, and the children. - 08/10/2010 11:19:58 AM 1957 Views
Hermione, Harry, Neville, Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin - 08/10/2010 07:52:01 PM 1867 Views
Re: Hermione, Harry, Neville, Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin - 09/10/2010 01:00:00 AM 2065 Views
Re: Hermione, Harry, Neville, Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin - 09/10/2010 10:23:24 AM 1763 Views
Re: Hermione, Harry, Neville, Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin - 10/10/2010 03:40:46 AM 1733 Views
Re: Hermione, Harry, Neville, Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin - 10/10/2010 10:54:31 AM 1958 Views
Re: Hermione, Harry, Neville, Sirius, Dumbledore, Lupin - 12/10/2010 02:46:40 AM 1977 Views
First big appearance for Bellatrix. - 09/10/2010 01:11:54 AM 1972 Views
Re: First big appearance for Bellatrix. - 09/10/2010 10:13:26 AM 1924 Views
Action. And more action. - 08/10/2010 11:20:49 AM 1870 Views
The tragedy - 08/10/2010 07:51:29 PM 1972 Views
Re: The tragedy - 09/10/2010 12:42:53 AM 1755 Views
Re: The tragedy - 09/10/2010 12:49:31 AM 1941 Views
I'm wondering what would have happened... - 09/10/2010 01:14:58 AM 1666 Views
Re: I'm wondering what would have happened... - 09/10/2010 10:16:25 AM 1807 Views
Re: I'm wondering what would have happened... - 10/10/2010 03:22:18 AM 2045 Views
Book 7 spoilers ( I know they are implied, but I'd feel bad if I didn't warn) - 11/10/2010 12:51:06 AM 1892 Views
Re: Book 7 spoilers ( I know they are implied, but I'd feel bad if I didn't warn) - 12/10/2010 02:48:53 AM 1823 Views
Other things. - 08/10/2010 11:21:12 AM 1832 Views
Re: Other things. - 08/10/2010 07:52:45 PM 1891 Views
Well. - 10/10/2010 03:26:01 AM 1863 Views
Monday 11 October: chapters 37-38 ~ The end of innocence? - 13/09/2010 09:35:14 PM 1970 Views
How are our characters left? - 11/10/2010 05:25:39 PM 1910 Views
Plot and theme: - 11/10/2010 05:26:37 PM 1845 Views
Prophecy, choice, house elves and knowledge. - 11/10/2010 11:50:46 PM 1997 Views
Any other thoughts? - 11/10/2010 05:27:17 PM 1730 Views
One minor and one major disappointment. - 11/10/2010 11:51:08 PM 2056 Views
Re: One minor and one major disappointment. - 12/10/2010 02:53:28 AM 2064 Views
General comments. - 13/09/2010 09:36:13 PM 1918 Views
The first time I read this book I didn't like it much. - 14/09/2010 04:23:43 AM 1879 Views
It was one of my favourite books from the get-go. - 14/09/2010 09:08:03 AM 2016 Views
The structure of this book is different from the earlier ones - 15/09/2010 09:55:26 AM 2045 Views
What do we think of Rowling's writing skills in this book? - 22/09/2010 12:54:14 PM 1878 Views
Much improved - 22/09/2010 03:08:51 PM 1815 Views
How do you feel about the book as a whole? - 11/10/2010 05:28:23 PM 1813 Views
Re: How do you feel about the book as a whole? - 12/10/2010 03:00:01 AM 2010 Views
Suggestions for the re-read. - 13/09/2010 09:36:56 PM 1856 Views
Your links don't work - 14/09/2010 10:37:32 AM 1801 Views
Fixed. *NM* - 14/09/2010 10:46:08 AM 1087 Views
I just copied old ones. - 14/09/2010 06:32:50 PM 1888 Views
Do we need to have another break? - 27/09/2010 08:00:04 AM 1887 Views
Before the next book, you mean? - 27/09/2010 01:05:14 PM 1804 Views
But now I want to keep reading them. </whine> - 29/09/2010 04:02:57 AM 1782 Views
We'll start Book 6 on Monday 18 October. - 11/10/2010 05:29:21 PM 1979 Views

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